Milton Keynes City Council MKCC maintain over 10 million square metres of grassland in an around Milton Keynes, mowing on a cyclic program between March and late October.
Schedules are arranged to match the expected growing pattern of the grass and any specific management requirements for biodiversity, expected public use and highway safety.
Schedules can be delayed by:
- public holidays
- bad weather – prolonged dry weather or persistent rain
MKCC have been rolling out Delegated Responsibility for Landscaping to Town and Parish Councils
These areas have appointed their own contractors or are undertaking the work themselves and any complaints, compliments or enquiries should be made directly to the respective Town or Parish Councils.
Sherington Delegated Responsibility – Grass Cutting
For Sherington Village a portion of the Annual MKCC Landscaping Budget is delegated to the Parish Council
This Budget is used to fund the delegated scope and the Council have identified additional locations for cutting that are funded by top-up from the Precept.
Rural road verge mowing of junction sightlines and visibility splays are NOT includes in the above schedules.
Sherington Parish Council Grass Cutting Scope
More detail can be found at