Stonepits Copse – Community Woodland and Nature Reserve

A project supported by Sherington Parish Council in line with Sherington Neighbourhood Plan Policy NP3 which includes the Objective – improve the quality of the environment at Stonepits Copse.

There has been a lot of development in Stonepits Copse during 2022 :-

The pathways have been cut on a regular basis an offer a number of routes through the wood.

10 New Trees have been planted as part of the Queens Jubilee Green Canopy.

A replacement bench donated by Mr David Keene has been placed in the far corner –

A Volunteer Activity focussing on Tidy Up and Tree planting takes place on 26th November.

From the December 2009 Parish Council Minutes

“Cllr Keene reported that over 50 people including the school and pre-school turned up in appalling weather on Sunday 22nd November to plant new trees and hedging plants. Sherington Nursery provided a stone plinth containing a plaque to mark the site. Cllr Patrick Martin chairman of BALC and Cllr Sam Potts both attended. Thanks have also gone to Trevor Rivett at Central Networks for diverting the overhead telephone wire and pole in time for the launch. 8000 bulbs have been planted with the remainder having been planted around the village and at the school and pre-school. Next year some informal seating, a stile, litter bins etc are planned and in the spring more publicity as the bulbs come up. Cllr Keene emphasised that this is a long term project that would continue to evolve over time.”

Useful Contact Information

Parish Council Clerk (Interim):

  • Jacqueline Galloway
  • 07494 760791


  • Peter Palmer
  • 07710 242521

Other council members

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