Minutes from the meeting held at 7.30pm
On 8th of March 2022
At Sherington pavilion
Present: Cllrs Palmer, Sexton, Short, Mears, Shires and Cllr Geary. PCSO Huckle and Ormston left after delivering their report. 7 members of the public.
Cllr Palmer opened by asking that members of the public wait until the appropriate time within the agenda to make comments unless specifically called upon beforehand.
He followed with a short statement in support of the Ukrainian people and voiced our wishes that peace be restored to them forthwith
Item | Description | Owner/ Action | |
1 | Receive and accept apologies | Cllrs McNeil, Nokes, Mclean and Hosking. | |
2 | Receive declarations of interest | None. | |
3 | Approve minutes from the meeting 8th February | These will be approved next month as changes are necessary due to technical difficulties. | LS |
4 | Receive Ward councillors report | Cllr Geary gave a short update on the MKEast development. A group will be set up to give Parish and town councils affected by the developments an opportunity to comment and keep each other updated on any problems arising. One representative from each Parish will be invited to attend. | LS to advise Cllrs when the information is received and then they will nominate a representative. |
5 | Receive PCSO Report | PCSO Huckle gave a short report Which is available separately. PCSO Huckle and Arlene Ormston left after delivering their report and a reminder that PCSO Huckle will be outside the Shop on Friday the 25th of March from 14:30 – 15:30 to meet with members of the public and answer any questions they may have. | LS add to Website |
6 | Actions arising from the minutes | None | |
7 | Clerks report | This month I have been focusing on ironing out the technical difficulties with the new Website and Email addresses. I Met with Cllr Sexton to start the process of setting up a community Speed watch group and Cllr Shires and Jo Wareham to organise the Queens Jubilee celebrations. I ensured that the hedgerow on the corner of School Lane/ Crofts End was tidied before the end of the season, and I am in the process of adding hedge maintenance throughout the Village to the Landscapers remit going forwards. | |
8 | Village Caretakers report | We have had no interest in the Caretaker role yet. The possibility of splitting the role was discussed and it was agreed to go ahead with this tactic. It was noted with thanks that Cllr Short has been emptying the bins in the interim. | LS to advertise |
9 | Asset Management – Pavilion | Cllr Palmer gave a short update on ongoing progress with the maintenance and upkeep of the Pavilion, a surveyor is needed to identify potential problems with drainage. | LS / PP to engage a surveyor |
10 | Project group updates | ||
10.1 | The Queens Jubilee | Cllr Shires advised that following a meeting with Jo Wareham, WI representative he has put the following ideas in motion. Lighting the Beacon on Thursday 2nd June A picnic style party in the park on Sunday 5th June with a hog roast, entertainment and prizes to be won. More details to follow shortly. | ES to update regularly. |
10.2 | Shop | Our solicitor is communicating with the Tenants solicitor, due to the sensitive nature of this issue this will not be covered in a public meeting or minuted. | |
10.3 | BarnCo | No report | |
10.4 | Landscaping | The opportunity to add hedge maintenance to the current Landscaping remit was discussed and it was agreed that the clerk will send out all relevant information to councillors ahead of the next meeting. The big cutter needs maintenance | PP |
10.5 | Biodiversity | Cllr Palmer extended the Councils grateful thanks to Cllr Shires and his team who stepped in and planted the 10 Trees the parish were awarded by MKC to commemorate the Queens Jubilee by taking part in The Queens canopy. Cllr Shires planted the trees in Stonepits Copse. The positioning of the trees, photos and map will be uploaded to the PC website and social pages shortly. | LS to add to website and socials |
10.6 | Drainage | Cllr Mears gave a short update, there are some secondary actions to be completed on the high street works, these will be completed as soon as MKC has the available resource. | |
10.7 | Highways | EV Charging points – It was agreed that the clerk will send out all relevant information to the whole Council ready for discussion at the next meeting, Cllr Palmer noted that professional advice should be sought. Pavements- A member of the public brought to the clerk’s attention that the pavement adjacent to the Sherington to Newport Road is eroding. She had reported to MKC via the Report it functionality however the report had been closed without resolution, Cllr Mclean has taken this up but was unavailable to update this meeting. Speeding – Cllr Sexton to set up a Community Speed watch group | Ls to send out all information PP to engage with professional advice MN to update all Cllrs on information received from BP pulse. ES to liaise with Cllr Mclean |
10.8 | SLB Art concept | Cllr Palmer agreed to take the lead on this focus area while Cllr McNeil is on maternity leave. | PP & LS to meet with SLB |
11 | Finance | It was agreed that the clerk and RFO should set up a mutually convenient time for Cllrs Palmer, Shires and Mears to attend Metro Bank and for Councillor Palmer, Councillor Shires and Councillor Mears to be added to the bank mandate with full access and dual signing rights, the same as Cllr McNeil. | PP, ES, WM, WP LS to action |
11.1 | Review monthly balances | Current account: £4,472.06 Savings account: £25,856.45 Payments due: £ 6,002.51 Total funds: £24,326 | |
11.2 | Approve invoices for payment | All approved | |
11.3 | Consider applications for financial assistance received | Applications were received from Sherington Pre-school for the purchase of two Lenovo tablets and protective covers for £589.98 to assist the staff in monitoring and observing children and to enable constant contact with parents – Cllr Palmer forwarded the motion to purchase these, Cllr Shires seconded, and all were in favour. SheringTots requested funds for the purchase of Foam mats to make sitting on the floor warmer, Baking and cooking equipment for the children and craft supplies to the value of £300. Cllr Mears forwarded the motion to support this application with a monetary contribution of £300, Cllr Palmer seconded, and all were in favour. 1st Sherington Brownies are also in need of assistance the clerk is to investigate ways they could access the S106 fund for support. | WP to action payments LS to research the remaining S106 |
12 | Planning applications | 22/00158/FUL, 8 Carters close – No objection. Gate within Village Hall play area boundary – carried over to next month. | |
13 | Consider correspondence and new consultations | The clerk has received communication from Chaldean properties the vendors offering fully serviced plots at Smiths place, that as part of the S106 agreement people living within the Parish or with a local connection will get priority for the first three months of marketing. | LS to add this information to the Website, Facebook and other channels. |
14 | External meetings | Banking – to be set BarnCo – 15th March Neighbourhood plan review – to be set. Community policing meeting with Keith Wheeler – 16th March @Lavendon VH 7pm Clerks’ forum with Michael Bracey 5th April | PP, ES, WM, WP,LS PP, MN, LS ALL SS, LS LS |
15 | Councillors’ items | EV Charging – to be kept on the agenda as a project update | MN |
16 | Receive public comment | The following points were highlighted, and a request made that they be actioned at the earliest convenience. Streetlights at Carters close and outside the Pavilion are unlit and although several requests have been made to MKC no action has been taken A risk assessment is required on the bridge over the culvert adjacent to Masons field. The neighbourhood plan needs to be reviewedTrees within the Village that are being choked with Ivy need to be assessed and removed if deemed unfit. | Cllr Geary and ES to chase this LS ALL – LS to engage the services of Chris Akril LS |
17 | Date of the next meeting | 5th April 2022 due to the early Easter holidays |