BarnCo Minutes Oct 2021

Minutes of Barnco Meeting

Date – 07/10/2021


Michael Nokes (Lead)

Alistair Meldrum

Giles Fern

Apologies – David Keen

Invited Contributor – Ian Hindler

Item Number Comment Action by Date done or to be actioned.
1 Ian H was asked by the lead to become a member of the BarnCo sub-committee.  IH agreed Agreed by other members 07/07/2021
2 Solicitor needs to be engaged to progress eviction notice.

Note to be sent by George McNeil to Ian Hindler for review and forwarding.

GM 07/07/2021
3 Draft Bill of sale required for the sale of the portacabin.  To be sent to BarnCo committee for review and then sent to Richard Shires for his comments.

Once agreed sale of Portacabin to be progressed.

IH 15/07/021
4 S106 Infrastructure investment to be applied for from MK once shop is near to completion TBC TBC


5 Invoices (Net of VAT which should be claimed back by the WH) to be submitted to BarnCo for review and then sent to the SPC clerk for payment WH From 07/10/2021
6 PC will pay submitted invoices up to a maximum of £60k (£30k PC funded, £30k funded from sale of portacabin.

This will be tracked by BarnCo

BarnCo From 07/10/2021
7 Agreement required identifying commitment of WH to keep shop open for 3 years and pay 1/36 of £30k provided by PC for each month it closes before 3rd year anniversary. GF 15/10/2021


Next meeting Thursday November 4th.   13:00hrs WH (to be confirmed).

Useful Contact Information

Parish Council Clerk (Interim):

  • Jacqueline Galloway
  • 07494 760791


  • Peter Palmer
  • 07710 242521

Other council members

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