March Update

March News

March Update
The steering group has reviewed all the feedback received regarding the policies and revised them where necessary and can now confirm that all Policies are agreed and are therefore adopted as below;

Protect the fabric and setting of Sherington Parish Heritage and Community assets, as listed in Schedules X and Y of the Plan, and updated from time to time. Planning applications which cause any degradation in the fabric, setting or enjoyment of these assets will be resisted.
Historical buildings and features (to be defined further but including)
St Lauds Church, the Knoll, the White Hart, Historical open land at the heart of the Medieval  village, Bancroft Field, Manor Moat, Church Fields, The Laurels, Mercers Farm House, Yew Tree Farm, The Swan, Lines Thatched Cottage, Civil War Land in Gun lane.
B1. Encourage and support existing and appropriate new, small scale industries to thrive in Sherington Parish.
Applicants will be expected to discuss matters of design and integration, within the village, with the Parish Council beforehand. In addition a brief, illustrative, non-commercially sensitive business model will be required to demonstrate sustainability.  In particular the Neighbourhood Plan will support applications to change land use or use of buildings to accommodate existing businesses experiencing growth or displaced by development elsewhere in the Parish.

H1. Support sensitive, compliant small scale housing development of between 20 and 24 new dwellings.
H2. Ensure that new housing developments are of a scale that can reasonably be expected to become an integral part of the village. Only individual developments of up to 12 dwellings will be supported.
A priority should be to deliver small affordable starter homes to achieve a more balanced community mix rather than an emphasis on larger properties.
H3. Require prospective Developers to engage in constructive dialogue with the PC, early in the process of formulating their plans to ensure that proposals fully reflect the wishes of the community as set out in the NP. To facilitate this it will be necessary for Developers to submit pre-applications before submitting formal applications.
Where planning gain is required or offered a voluntary ‘Heads of Terms Agreement’ needs to be in place to ensure that the benefit can be captured by the village, without dispute, on implementation of a relevant planning permission.

SH1. Designate the fields (shown on map below) which constitute the Historic Green Heart of Sherington as a Green Space, excluded from any form of built development. The Local Green Space will be delivered and implemented in the context of NPPF (paragraphs 76 and 77). Furthermore the Parish Council will actively support and encourage the improvement of the Local Green Space, with the collaboration of the land owner(s), where appropriate.
Policy SH1 has been significantly informed by authoritative independent, advice and guidance. Which includes:
– Recent, detailed location specific study by MKC planners
– Village Plans and Character Studies dating back to 1974
– Planning history of the whole area dating back some 50 years
– English Heritage Statement – Article 4 Direction and Heritage

Using all these policies we have begun to assess the sites available in the village towards allocating sites via the Neighbourhood plan.
Initial findings below in no particular order
This is ongoing work

We will be using these initial results as our starting point to investigate further, in priority order, those sites that are, according to criteria, suitable for development.

These will also be filtered through Infrastructure and Ecology to ensure suitability and sustainability is robust in its application.

Next Steps:
Will see the site allocation task force, a sub group of the Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group, scheduling meetings with all interested parties. Giving them the opportunity to submit their plans, this will then be factored into the next step in the site allocation process.

Neighbourhood Plan IS A LEGAL FORCE that Milton Keynes Planning and developers have to take it into account!!


  • Pass on your contributions to the Parish Council by contacting
  • Get friends and family to sign up for updates by emailing
  • Come along to the meetings @ the Pavilion – last Tuesday of the month, 7.30pm
  • Become a volunteer – work towards the future of the village and our community
Please continue to support our Neighbourhood Plan

Useful Contact Information

Parish Council Clerk (Interim):

  • Jacqueline Galloway
  • 07494 760791


  • Peter Palmer
  • 07710 242521

Other council members

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