The Steering Group has now collected and analysed the feedback received from the village on our draft policies. Responses were collected via a door to door survey; on-line survey – published via Facebook and emailed to those registered for updates.
Results of the consultation: All draft policies are agreed and are therefore to be adopted with specific comments received to be taken into account.
Details of these results have been fed back to the village via the public meeting, which was publicized door-to-door, held on Saturday 23rd January with 90+ attendees.
For those that were not in attendance this included the following;
- Update on Appeal hearing regarding 36 houses at the top of the high street (R15 on map)
Although this planning application was made outside of the neighbourhood plan, its outcome has implications for the plan. The position of the parish council and the NP were presented to the inspector and the final decision is expected 4-6 weeks from the hearing date (expected by 18th February).
- The Implications are as follows;
- Local housing policy could be considered “out of date” and therefore non applicable due to MK Council’s lack of 5yr land supply
- 20-40 houses limit would therefore have limited or no relevance
- The NP may become the only defence against further planning
The PC has sought direction regarding planning implications from MK Council – however we will now also be talking to a Planning Consultant regarding the MK Council lack of land supply and the implications for the NP and future PC Planning responses.
Feedback on Draft Policies consultation questionnaire – 5 January 2016
The policies were formulated from feedback from the village from the February 2015 Open day and the Questionnaire submitted in August 2015. The policies were discussed at the Neighbourhood Plan meetings open to the general public and the formulated and discussed with Milton Keynes Council Planners. He policies were then revised to incorporate guidance from Milton Keynes.
Written feedback – Issued 18 / 19 Dec 2015 to 5 Jan 2016
A document was issued to the Parish to every dwelling explaining the Neighbourhood Plan Draft Policies and requesting clear feedback comments and to vote Agree / Neutral / Disagree against each of the policies.
Executive summary – All submitted Policies Carried
On line feedback – Opened 30 Nov 2015 – to 5 Jan 2016 internet access was also arranged to allow voting to be made on line.
Executive summary – All submitted Policies Carried
Full Documents presented at meeting below
NPlan Policy feedback Dec Jan 2015 _ 2016 V4
Sherington Neighbourhood Plan (Jan 23) V03 3
Next steps:
The following work streams have been allocated and accelerated
- Informational database of actions and finding to date
- Overseen by Cllr Thatcher with support from volunteers Oliver Powell, Jackie Inskipp, Steven Slater and our new clerk, Tracey Young.
- Continue to sculpt the draft plan – in line with feedback received
- Following the processes and best practice of other NP. Overseen by Cllr Hughes with support from volunteers Oliver Powell, Stephen Kennedy and Valerie Hargreaves
- Finalise the policies – in line with the feedback received
- Overseen by Cllr Bush with support from volunteers Keith Carey and Colin Davis
- Site Allocations – based on the adopted draft policies
- Overseen by Cllr Hughes and Cllr Caldwell with support from volunteers Keith Carey, Colin Davis, Duncan Clarke and David Williams
- Continued communications – Cllr Thatcher with support from volunteers Jackie Inskipp, Valerie Hargreaves and Tracey Young