Parish Clerk/Responsible Financial Officer
Sherington Parish Council – Clerk/RFO and Proper Officer
Due to our current Clerk retiring, a position has arisen in the role of Clerk/RFO to Sherington Parish Council. This is a varied and interesting role which involves working from home as well as attending monthly evening council and occasional committee meetings. At present the council meets eleven times a year.
The Clerk, who is also the Proper Officer and Responsible Finance Officer for the council, is responsible for agendas, minutes, finance, correspondence, general administration as well as liaising with residents, Buckinghamshire Council and contractors.
The successful candidate would usually be expected to hold or study for the CiLCA qualification in local government administration. An existing qualification in local government procedures would be an advantage but is not essential. Applicants must be computer literate, familiar with Microsoft Office applications and able to manage the council’s website, accounts package (Scribe) and the councils Facebook page and website.
The opportunity to attend training courses relevant to the role will be provided.
This is a salaried position of 40 hours per month, working from home, with remuneration based upon the 2024-25 NALC recommended pay scales for part-time Clerks (SCP 13-17 depending on experience). A laptop and phone is provided.
If you have any questions, please email to whom applications should be submitted.
Position to commence February/March 2025.
Sherington Parish Council is an Equal Opportunities employer.
The closing date for applications is the 14th February 2024.