We need your help to spend over £36,000 on public art for our village.
This large amount of money (which can specifically and only to be spent on public art in Sherington) comes from the S106 agreement attached to the planning approval for the Sherington Grange development.
The project is being managed, and will be delivered for us by the MK Arts Foundation.
Most importantly though, the money needs to be spent on a project or projects which enjoys the support & endorsement of the village.
The process to identify such a project(s) has already begun with representatives from the Arts Foundation meeting with members of the SHS to discuss and learn about some of the historical aspects of Sherington, which they feel should be represented in any project.
The Arts Foundation is now planning to host a workshop, inviting residents to take part in an art activity, to meet them, and to discuss ideas around public art for Sherington.
This event will be at the Village Hall on 23 November, from 2pm-4pm.
Please, please come along to take part in this process to help decide how best to spend this money.
The ideas and opinions of villagers are vitally important to the success of this project, and we really need everyone who has any comment to make themselves heard.
Please put it on your calendar, and we’ll look forward to seeing you there!