Following an update from Ward Cllr Geary at week’s Parish Council (PC) meeting on MKCC’s latest
stance in respect of current local plans and the public comment that ensued, it was agreed that the
PC would engage with the village as a whole in respect of the current MKCC process of producing a
new local plan.
The PC would, therefore, like to invite villagers to submit relevant comments they would like to make
as part of the Sherington Parish response to the MK City Plan 2050 Regulation 18 consultation
The process of completing a response to that document is currently under way by the PC in
preparation for submission in early October.
That response is being prepared in the context of the current Sherington Neighbourhood Plan 2016,
which is valid to 2031 and contains the policies under which the PC is currently operating, with
consideration to those elements which the NP identifies as requiring ongoing review.
In due course, a new/revised Neighbourhood Plan will be prepared, but the relevant document in
terms of the vision for Sherington is the current NP.
Any public comments submitted in connection with the Sherington parish response should relate to
the Regulation 18 document itself, and/or with reference to the Regulation 18 Consultation Questions
document, both of these documents can be accessed, viewed, and/or downloaded on the MK
Villagers can also make their own personal responses and comments via the website.
There have been a number of well publicised drop-in advice exhibitions organised and publicised by
MKCC in various locations around MK, recently in Olney and Newport Pagnell among others, which
villagers may already have attended.
There are further such exhibitions going forward, including one on Tuesday 17 Sept at Moulsoe
Millennium Hall between 2pm & 8pm, and others yet to be confirmed at Wolverton, Brickhill, Oldbrook
and Bletchley.
Details of these exhibitions, and all the available information concerning the MK local plan, and the
consultation document can be accessed and viewed on the MK website.
The changes proposed in MK City Plan 2050 will ultimately affect all who live in the greater MK area
to some extent, and the PC would encourage all villagers to look at the available information and
documentation concerning it.
Thank you for your attention with regard to this important matter that will inevitably have some effect
on our Parish.