Sherington Parish Council is considering applying for funding to assist with the installation of Speed Indicator Devices (SIDs) located at either end of Sherington High Street where it is within the village.
We would like to establish if this initiative would be supported by the people living in Sherington and we have produced an opinion poll to seek opinions and comments from villagers.
There are paper copies of this poll for physical signature located at:
The White Hart
Squirrel Stores
The Village Hall
You can also register your opinion on the SPC Facebook Page, or by email to and we have an opinion poll on the Sherington Natter on WhatsApp group.
We would very much appreciate it if villagers would help us by indicating if they would be in favour of SIDs or not and would welcome your opinion and any comments on the matter by the end of July.
Thank you for your help!
I think SID’s would be a very good idea.
I also think the patrol camera van should attend the village more often
Ref SIDs in Sherington
I think they are a good deterrent but it would be just as useful on Gun Lane and Bedford Road as the High Street. There was a missed opportunity to change the speed limit on Gun Lane to 30mph instead of 50mph last year. There are children living at the Alban Hill end of the Lane but the 30mph doesn’t start until number 26.