Landscape plantings are planted to soften the built environment, and are not designed to act as a security or privacy barrier. Due to a lengthening growing season (4 weeks longer since 1990) and a maturing landscape, there has been an increase in the need for pruning work in order to maintain shrubs and hedges.
The main pruning period is between November and March – issues that are reported at other times of the year will be scheduled into this work and areas will be prioritised according to need.
Not all trees, shrubs and hedges require an annual prune – some operations, such as coppicing, where the planting is cut back for horticultural purposes (to allow the planting to regenerate and make new growth) may be many years apart.
Information about Shrubs and Hedges Management -– Please refer to Milton Keynes Council Website
Private hedges and neighbour disputes
A hedge cannot be defined as a “nuisance” or “illegal” unless it is named in a complaint as such. Before making a complaint, you must attempt to settle the matter amicably – this may include use of a mediation service. In the rare instances that the mediation service does not resolve the matter the next stage would be to liaise with us.
For a complaint to be investigated the hedge must:
- comprise wholly or predominantly of a line of two or more evergreen or semi-evergreen trees or shrubs
- be over 2 metres high.
- act, to some degree, as a barrier to light or access.
- adversely affect the complainant’s reasonable enjoyment of their domestic property (their home or garden)
Obstructing roads footpaths and pavements
The owner of each hedge is responsible for keeping the hedge clear of roads footpaths and pavements and street lights. The City Council has produced a leaflet explaining your responsibilities when trees, hedges and shrubs overhang on the highway which you can read at the link below :-
Identification of the main hedgerow species