Neighbourhood Plan Review – Sub Committee

Neighbourhood Plan – review


Attendees: Cllrs Watts, M Crabb and Will Bush

Apologies: Cllr Readman

Date: Tuesday 19th November


  1. At the Parish Council meeting on 12th November is was agreed to set up a sub committee to review the Neighbourhood Plan. The plan is just over 2 years old and in the light of 2 successful appeals at Hanslope, due to the Inspector deciding that MK did not have 5 years housing supply land, the Parish Council decided to review its position.
  2. The subcommittee was established with the above members, Cllr Watts as Chair.
  3. There is a judicial review pending relating to the amount of housing supply land.
  4. The Sherington NP was completed before the adoption of Plan MK so we need to check compliance.
  5. Establish what constitutes a “material modification” that would not require a referendum, eg increase housing on an existing development.
  6. Establish the process for defining our housing requirements.
  7. Contact Chris Akrill for advice on the above. Action BW

Useful Contact Information

Parish Council Clerk (Interim):

  • Jacqueline Galloway
  • 07494 760791


  • Peter Palmer
  • 07710 242521

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