As you may be aware there have been plans for the shop going back as far as March 2010, put in place by the previous Parish Council members. Unfortunately, as discovered by ShopCo, the initial plans for this brick-built shop design were proved to be too costly.
The original plans proposed can be viewed on the Milton Keynes Planning portal (10/00490/FUL). Details on justifications for the village shop can also be found here.
Well, we have had our temporary shop now in place for over 6 years and it is time to have your say on the current plans being proposed by the existing Parish Council. These new plans have been drawn up to using the available budget, namely the promised £100,000 from the High Street development of 36 houses, and to consider more affordable materials (timber build) that have been discussed at the last few Parish Council Meetings.
The proposed plans can be viewed below
Once again the Parish Council are now asking for your feedback.
Do you still want a village shop?
What is the reason for your answer?
Do you have any comments, good or bad, regarding the current plans for the shop?
Please, could you direct your comments regarding this plan of action to Will Pike and include in the subject title ‘Village Shop’.
Further opportunities to view and discuss the plans will be available during the October meeting.