Minutes of the meeting of Sherington Parish Council held on Tuesday 7th February 2017 at Sherington Village Hall, commencing at 7.30pm
PRESENT: W Bush (Chair), Cllrs A Thatcher & R Johnstone
ALSO ATTENDING: Peter Geary (Cllr for Olney Ward), Tracey Young (Clerk) and 15 members of the public.
ACTION | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1. RECEIVE AND ACCEPT APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Cllrs Hughes, Caldwell and Ward Cllrs K McLean and D Hoskings | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
2. RECEIVE ANY DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Cllr Johnstone declared an interest in Bedford Road | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
3. APPROVE MINUTES FROM LAST MEETING – 3rd January 2017 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Signed | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
4. ANY MATTERS ARISING FROM MINUTES | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Cllr Bush mentioned that he had discussions with Mr Powell regarding the ongoing worry about the village trees and RFOs along with tree applications therefore they would put together a task force to understand what trees were protected in the village. This matter to be placed on future Parish Council Agenda’s.
Cllr Bush advised that the Welcome Pack was still being worked on and should be available for the next Parish Meeting. |
Cllr Geary reported on the following matters:
1) MKC Budget – Has now officially been put out by cabinet and the Budget meeting will be held on Wednesday 15th February for a decision A number of changes were noted as follows: – Council tax has increased by 4.95% which is 1.95% on General Services and 3% on Adult Social Care. Initially the increase in council tax was 4%. – Some minor changes to savings to the budget was one of the cuts was landscaping to Parishes and that this would now be extending for a year to allow for negotiation but this does not effect Sherington – Grit bins would no longer be serviced by MKC – Litter picking scaled back – Weeding would no longer be serviced by MKC 2) Training Ground for the MKDons The training ground is proposed very close to Sherington in the village of Chicheley along the A509 on the Newport Pagnell layby. Cllr Geary commented that Sherington PC should be involved in discussions and suggested that SPC send their views and to ensure there are benefits to the community. Cllr Bush asked whether SPC could have access to the facilities and Cllr Geary advised Cllr Bush to send him an email expressing concerns. 3) Olney Ward Forum One of the discussions in the meeting was that Parishes need to take the initiative and take control of litter in and around their villages. 4) Plan MK Plan MK will be going out on the 21st February for consultation, this is the refreshed core strategy to planning documents on how MK should grow and not have an impact on rural areas. This is MKC 3rd option for the plan for MK. The first proposal was that MK had to have a plan by law and how another 7500 houses were to be recognised and the vision for MK. Plan MK needs to be put in place quickly and the core strategy needs to be robust Cllr Geary suggested all parishes should have a Neighbourhood Plan which Sherington have therefore this puts them ahead. |
TY reported on the following:
Spion Cop Has now been removed Trig Point Was removed in 2014 due to causing problems whilst ploughing Sandwich Board to advertise the Village Shop Prices start from £15 depending on size. Cllr Johnstone commented that Cllr Caldwell mentioned in the last PC meeting that the shop would need to pay for this. Notice Board for the Church Prices start anywhere from £600 to over £1000 depending on styles, size etc. Cllr Thatcher asked whether we were able to support the church and Cllr Geary mentioned contacting Cllr McLean as there is a budget. Community Payback Scheme (clearing pathway between NP and Sherington) Awaiting a call back from Thames Valley Police. Cllr Geary mentioned that Jane Brushwood from Lavendon PC would be able to help. Memorial Bench in the Village Hall Park Has been fixed. Cllr Bush requested that the bench opposite the old pub along the High St to be looked at. TY to speak to the Caretaker MK Play Rangers It was agreed for sessions to continue this year as it is in the budget Pavilion Sign (John Cook Memorial) Prices obtained, TY to send prices to Cllrs Bush and Thatcher |
TY |
Cllr Bush informed that the consultation period ends on Thursday 9th February at 5pm however many residents still have not commented on the plan.
Cllr Thatcher gave the details of whom to contact at MKC regarding the Plan Cllr Bush added that weight is given to the NP if there is evidence of community support therefore it was crucial that everyone made a comment. Cllr Geary advised that if there is a 60/40 split, this means that it may not get through to referendum and the Council will be left with a very big legal bill. Cllr Bush advised that the next stage would be to appoint an examiner which can be a 4 week wait, however after some persuasion this could be as little as a week. The examiner will look at the papers and if there are serious objections about the plan they may decide to have a public hearing or they may just look at the documents and review them, this stage could take a matter of days or a couple of weeks. |
8. MINERALS LOCAL PLAN | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Cllr Thatcher reported that this was now at the final stage and the changes are as follows:
– Reduce visual impact to the village by increasing the screenage – Other sites to be exhausted before they come to the British Heritage Site Cllr Geary confirmed that 1 of the changes was a setback distance from workings which would affect Lathbury and potentially some of the properties in Water Lane. Cllr Thatcher to go back and comment |
AT | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
SHOP – Cllr Johnstone reported that we would have to re-apply for planning permission. Cllr Thatcher mentioned an issue with shop security that children were able to break the door and that this needed re-enforcing.
PAVILION – TY advised that at the last meeting there was mention of clearing the ditch in the field and that she had contact Jason Grace from MKC who advised that the ditch needed clearing first before work to the drainage could be undertaken. Cllr Johnstone confirmed that he would speak to Cllr Caldwell |
RJ | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
10. FINANCE | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
10.1 Bank Account Balance 7th February 2017 £36,775.03 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
10.2. Approve Cheques for payment – Approved
Tracey Young Clerks Expenses £17.20 10.3 Precept Cllr Thatcher commented that many questions regarding the Precept in the past had been how much the NP plan was costing us to date. Cllr Thatcher reported that thanks to mainly grants we have had £9000 covered by that therefore the total cost would likely be £4000. With regards to the increase in the Precept, this would be 1.9% rise which was under the 2% rise that the Government had suggested for most Councils and mainly this would be for the increase for a Village Caretaker to undertake the services that MKC were dropping. This would be £3.33 a head. Budget would be visible on the Website |
TY |
11. PLANNING APPLICATIONS – CONSIDER RESPONSE TO MKC | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
11.1 REF: 17/00100/DISCON the Small House, 6 High St – discharge of 3 (door details) attached to planning permission 15/01735/LBC. Cllrs commented; officers to use their judgement
11.2 REF: 17/00206/OUT Hazelmead Farm, High St – outline permission for the erection of up to 30 dwellings with all matters reserved except for means of access. Cllr Bush expressed concern that this was outside the village boundary, in open countryside and a site not allocated for development therefore this application was not supported by the PC Appeal numbers to refer to are APP/YO435/W/16 315 2083 and APP/Y0435/W/16 315 2055 Mr Brewiss commented that he neither, supported or objected to this proposal but one of the important facilities that the village lacked was paved exercised areas and the land owner for this application had put in a gateway footpath and if such a footpath could be built then that would be very important. 11.3 Consideration of any other outstanding or recently submitted applications. Cllr Bush mentioned that there has been a lot of discussion regarding the Bedford Rd site and over the Xmas period there was an addition to the material submitted with the plan to incorporate a footpath linking it from the site closer to the centre of the village and the MK planning officer committed the application to Development Control within days. There was no consultation and therefore a serious issue at MKC. The Parish Council intervened as this pavement would cut into 2 of Sheringtons’ ancient monuments. Historic England were contacted and they sent a lot of advice to MKC. MKC accepted that there were serious shortcomings and are looking into it and will address the short-comings. There are 4 options for different crossings and Cllr Bush expressed his concerns about the safety of pedestrians crossing and the setting of the long barrow. |
12. EXTERNAL MEETINGS | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Cllr Johnstone advised that he had met David Hall from MKC along with Cllr Thatcher and the Clerk this afternoon to discuss the speeding in the village along with lighting along Gun Lane. Mr Hall suggested that we put in a gate with a change of colour along the road so you get a sense that you are coming into the village coming down from Alban Hill and Bedford Road. The 30mph signs down by the nursery are in the wrong place, therefore these to be moved further up the road. The gate arrangement to be done under a partnership grant and MKC will pay half along with extra lighting along Gun Lane. Cllr Johnstone to move the SID from outside of his house to along Gun Lane to monitor speed limits. Cllr Johnstone to speak to Mr Hall regarding funding. | RJ/DH | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
13. CONSIDER CORRESPONDENCE AND NEW CONSULTATIONS | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Cllr Thatcher advised that she had received a letter from a resident expressing their concerns regarding the cars parked along Sherington Bridge. There was a drive way that has now been fenced off resulting in the cars parking on the road and there have been a few near misses. TY to contact Highways | TY | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
14. RECEIVE PUBLIC COMMENTS | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Mrs Kirby mentioned she was unable to access the PC website as a message from McAfee keeps appearing. Cllr Thatcher confirmed that we were aware and that we had been in contact with McAfee.
A member of public mentioned that along the junction of Hill View and Perry Lane the bin wagon keeps reversing round and knocking the kerbstones off. TY to report to MKC Mr Brewiss mentioned the dog waste bags in hedges. Cllr Bush advised that the PC had invested in new Dog Bins and Cllr Thatcher commented that dog waste can go in rubbish bins. Mrs Tyrell commented on the state of the over grown hedges along Bedford Rd and School Lane and that these have not been cut within the last 5 years by the farmer. Mrs Tyrell advised that she had spoken to the MKC and they said it was not their responsibility. Cllr Bush advised that we would look into it. Mr Powell reported on the size of the pot holes down School Lane and Cllr Thatcher confirmed that these were down to be filled on the 15th February. Mrs Lusted from the Sherington Youth Club asked for a small donation of £300 for extra equipment for crafts and sports. Cllrs all in favour. Mr Prewiss reported that he will be making a planning application for an animal field shelter along Coney Gray which is in the Article 4 area. Cllrs confirmed that they would need to take a walk down to the area and see the plan |
TY |
15. COUNCILLORS ITEMS | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Cllr Thatcher reported that the Pre-school needed the paperwork signed for the funding. Cllr Bush signed. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
16. DATE OF NEXT MEETING | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The next Parish Council meeting will be held at the Village Hall on Tuesday 7th March 2017 at 7.30pm. There being no further business the meeting ended at 2100hrs. | TY |
Meeting closed at 9.00pm