Meeting of Shop Committee 14th December 2015
Present – Councillors Johnstone, Bush, Hughes, Thatcher. Bhavna
Items discussed
1. Permanent planning permission lapses on 29th May 2016. Temporary planning permission lapses 31st July 2017
2. Discussion with Bhavna regarding the shop at present. Storage is a problem because of space. It can get very hot in the summer. Position in the centre of the village is good in many respects but good signage from the high street would be useful – sandwich board. Larger permanent shop would allow more stock, additional services such as dry cleaning, hot food and drinks, use as a pick up hub for packages delivered etc. Selling products from different franchises like WH Smiths are available. All things to increase footfall
3. Parish Council and villagers committed to having a shop and Bhavna and Kana enthusiastic about running it.
4. Plans for a permanent shop are still at the discussion stage. There is planning at the site of the present shop and it is possible to move the shop forward en-bloc to allow further building on the present site so as not to disrupt trade during future building.
5. Various grants may be available to assist in cost of providing a permanent structure.
1. Obtain and study the original plans for a permanent shop – RJ
2. Find out what degree of work needs doing to maintain the present planning – RJ
3. Look in to funding – WB
4. Consider having other members of the village being involved with shop moving forward –ALL
5. Get planning for a sandwich board in high street ?