Minutes – November 2014
Minutes of the Meeting of Sherington Parish Council held on Tuesday 4th November 2014 at Sherington Village Hall, commencing at 7.30pm.
PRESENT: A Denman (Chair), D Hyde, M Northfield, I Collinge, S Cook & J Cook
ALSO ATTENDING: : Hannah Balazs (Clerk), Ward Cllr Keith McLean, Ward Cllr Peter Geary, Ward Cllr Dave Hoskin and eight members of the public.
Cllr J Ager.
Cllr J Cook declared an interest in item 4 and 5; Cllr Northfield declared an interest in item 10 and Cllr S Cook declared an interest in item 4 and 5.
The minutes of the meeting held on 7th October 2014 were agreed as a true record and signed by the Chairman
Cllr I Collinge has sent his personal views to MKC and wanted to make know that he objects to the housing plans for 36 homes Cllr A Denman advised this particular plan will be on a future agenda as it is not part of the Site allocation plan. Cllr I Collinge said he has been looking at past minutes and cannot see where 40 houses has come from and MKC seem to be plucking number out of nowhere as there is no evidence. He has also advised that there has been no investigation or study into what the village would like in terms of new houses and how many affordable homes or what types of homes the village needs. In 1999 a questionnaire was sent out the the village to see how they felt with regards to new homes being built. 120 were received and 90% agreed to infill within the village and 30% were against Greenfield and infill was accepted. Cllr I Collinge feels another survey needs to be carried out to see what and how the village feels and the Parish Council needs to be proactive. If Infill counts towards the 40 houses that MKC are saying the village needs to provide where they start counting from as the process started in 2007. Can the changes to the Swan Pub, Post Office and all barn conversions count towards the 40. Cllr A Denman advised the deadline is officially 5th November but the Parish Council have an extension to the 10th November 2014 to send reply. Cllr M Northfield thought there was another meeting for the Parish Council to discuss the reply to send to MKC so didn’t have anything prepared. Cllr A Denman wants Cllr J Ager to have a say and to speak regarding the Site Allocation Plans. Ward Cllr P Geary advised there will be another round of consultations next year. Cllr A Denman supported further allocation and in view of what ward Cllr P Geary advised and the absence of Cllr J Ager and so the village gets involved to reply to MKC and reform commitment to village for minimal allocation and say a certain amount of key homes to be provided. Cllr P Geary advised that 40 houses is the figure and will have to provide 30% of affordable housing as that’s the government guidelines he also advised that yes the parish council can list the principles required but they will have to commit in the future. Cllr M Northfield is disappointed that within any documation no number of 40 houses was mentioned and now they are lumbered with that amount. Cllr M Northfield spoke of the number being split across different sites, and advised he wants to see something in writing from Anglican Water that says the village can sustain another 40 houses as he was told the village couldn’t and that’s why houses within the village are on septic tanks. Cllr D Hyde is disappointed that the mention of 40 houses was missed in the core strategy. Ward Cllr P Geary advised that Sherington was sent the Core Strategy and there was a line in there that said 40 houses to be provided but this was missed, he also advised that stuck in the policy and have to provide 40 homes. Ward Cllr P Geary feels that the Paris Council are owed an apology from MKC with regards to the number of houses as it was said in the past that the village would accept a maximum of 25 homes. Cllr D Hyde advised if the Village has been shafted on the site allocation plans by MKC what stops them saying they will extend a site and make it 50 or 60 etc. This advise should have been provided to the Parish Council back in 2009 of how the process works before the Parish Council agreed to be a selective village. Cllr A Denman advised to reply to MKC and express regret of the figure of 40 homes and to advise they want all information provided so it can be looked at in depth and not agreeing to anything just yet. Cllr I Collinge will draft a reply to MKC Site Allocations.
Following on from the public meeting a formal reply from the Parish council has been drafted by Cllr I Collinge and was agreed at the meeting and this is to be sent to MKC. ACTION: Clerk
Cllr S Cook advised Alban Hill have agreed to donate a 10ft tree and Tony and his team will put the tree up and supply the electric.
7.1 Trees at the mound. MKC advised that they will not touch unless the trees are damaged, in danger to public and highways and or dying.
7.2 Play House at the Park. I have received emails from concerned parents regarding the playhouse in the park being damaged on the roof. Will contact MKC to get repaired.ACTION: Clerk
7.3 Post and Rail Fence at Pavilion. Have emailed MKC and I am still awaiting a reply.
7.4 Bins around Preschool and Shop. These bins have now been added to the rounds and should be being cleared now.
Ward Cllr D Hoskin advised that three people came to look at Church Road and this is linked along with other issues within the ward and he has gone back to ask for a meeting regarding the issues. The work that needs to be carried out on Church Road will hopefully be completed before Christmas and on 12th November Plan MK are holding a drop in session at the Milton Keynes Council Civic Offices.
The Autocad survey of the ditches and drainage system from Alban Hill nursery down the High St has now been received and indicates a lot of maintenance still needed. Cllrs agreed to reply to MKC asking them to go ahead with the work. ACTION: Clerk
Cllr M Northfield advised that Nigel and himself are stepping down and moving responsibility to the Parish Council. The current plan has been extended to 2017, Shopco was created to help set up a village shop. Cllr J Cook advised that there was no other choice but to take on as the shareholders of Shopco had all voted for the Parish Council to take over and agreed and is happy if the council agrees. Cllr D Hyde wanted to confirm that it would be legal for the Parish Council to take over and Cllr A Denman advised he had received an email from Steven Gerald at MKC who is the head of the legal team to advise that this is legal. Cllr D Hyde still has some reservations. Cllr S Cook advised if Cllr M Northfield and Nigel want to retire from Shopco then they should and the Parish Council should take over. Cllr I Collinge said thanks to Cllr M Northfield and Nigel and thanked Cllr M Northfield for all of the answers to his questions. Cllr M Northfield then asked if they were going to vote and Cllr A Denman took a vote and all in favour with a few questions.
11.1 Bank Account balance at 4th November £27,606.48
11.2 Cheques for payment were as follows:
04/11/2014 | Hannah Balazs | Clerks PAYE | £278.12 | 102251 |
04/11/2014 | Sherington Village Hall | Hall Hire | £22.75 | 102252 |
04/11/2014 | Sports Ground Services | Mowing of Perry Lane | £414.00 | 102253 |
04/11/2014 | N Beal | Pavilion cleaner | £42.00 | 102254 |
04/11/2014 | Martin Jeeves | Perry Lane caretaker/bookings | £100.00 | 102255 |
12.1. 14/02012/FUL. Change of use of existing electronics cabin to storage (use class B8) ; Storage Compound Bedford Road – All Cllrs would like further clarification on this planning application and would like to know what Use class B8 is. ACTION: Clerk
Cllr A Denman is going to contact MKC regarding this application 14/02256/DISCON ; Details submitted pursuant to discharge of conditions 5 (revised east elevation of road barn), 6 (roof plan for road barn), 11 (rainwater goods), 14 (boiler flue), 16 (external appurtenances) and 18 (foundation details) attached to application 14/01274/LBC ; The Manor 4 High Street Sherington Newport Pagnell MK16 9NB ACTION: A Denman
12.2. Decisions. The applications for the 1 Field Close, 55 High Street, 4 Leys View and 31 Crofts Ends were approved. Detailed documents can be accessed via the MKC Planning website.
Cllr A Denman is going to find out what is going on as we haven’t had any reports or minutes from the commitee. ACTION: Cllr A Denman
There have not been any external meetings
15.1. MKC Draft Minerals Plan, deadline 5th November 2014. MKC Draft Minerals Plan, deadline 5th November 2014 (deadline was extended to 10th November 2014) a reply from the Parish Council has been agreed and the clerk will send to MKC. ACTION: All Cllrs/Clerk
15.2. MKC Site Allocations Plan, deadline 5th November 2014. 2014 (deadline was extended to 10th November 2014) Cllr I Collinge agreed to draft a reply and once all Cllrs had agreed the Clerk will sent to MKC ACTION: All Cllrs/Clerk
A member of the public wanted to know where is the core strategy it says about 40 houses to be provided in the village. The ward Cllrs are going to find where it says about 40 houses.
Cllr I Collinge said about the pavement at Hill View and the curb stones are everywhere and every Tuesday the bin men knock them out and once they have been replaced the following Tuesday it happens again – will send an email to Andy Hudson. ACTION: Clerk
18. DATE OF NEXT MEETING The next meeting will be held on Tuesday 2nd December 2014 at the Village Hall commencing at 7.30 pm. There being no further business the meeting ended at 9.15 pm