Minutes – September 2014

Minutes – September 2014

Minutes of the Meeting of Sherington Parish Council held on Tuesday 2nd September 2014 at Sherington Village Hall, commencing at 7.30pm.

PRESENT: Cllrs A Denman (Chair), J Ager, D Hyde, M Northfield, I Collinge, S Cook & J Cook

ALSO ATTENDING: : Wendy Austyn (outgoing Clerk), Hannah Balazs (incoming Clerk), Ward Cllrs Peter Geary and David Hosking, Fiona Robinson (MKC Planning), Laura Davidson and Laura Burton (Northants CC) and fifteen members of the public.

Ward Cllr Keith McLean

Cllr J Cook declared an interest in items 5 and 10 b); Cllr Northfield declared an interest in item 8 and Cllr S Cook declared an interest in items 5 and 10 b).

The minutes of the meeting held on 1st July 2014 were agreed as a true record and signed by the Chairman

Cllr Northfield proposed the appointment for the position of clerk to the parish council to Hannah Balazs following her successful interview; this was seconded by Cllr Hyde and all agreed. The chairman welcomed Hannah and took the opportunity to thank Wendy Austyn for her ten years of service and wish her well for the future.

Prior to the meeting officers from MKC and Northants CC held a public drop-in session to give out information on the draft plan, to which around 30 people attended. Laura Davidson from Northants CC (acting on behalf of MKC) then spoke to the meeting. The MKC Local Aggregate Assessment states that 1.7 million tonnes of aggregate are needed for building development and so new extraction sites are being considered. The plan sets out how these sites have been identified and assessed. After this consultation the Final Draft Plan will be produced in early 2015 which will also go out for consultation. This and all the responses will be considered by a planning inspector assigned by the Secretary of State. The final plan may contain restrictions and conditions on all the factors that may impact on the environment and the public. Following approval of the final plan, sites would be ‘Allocated’ but not ‘Approved’ until a detailed planning application is received from the land owner or operator and these can be submitted any time up until 2032. The chairman invited comments from the public which included concerns re noise, dust, visual impact, house prices and traffic. Laura reported that it was not yet known whether an allocated site would include a processing plant which could service other extraction sites. The required Traffic Assessments are also not yet completed. Another comment was that not everyone knows what is happening yet, and Cllr Peter Geary suggested that the Sherington Ward Councillors host a village meeting in the next few weeks to which all residents would be invited by letter. Individuals are not directly consulted by the planning authority until a detailed planning application has been submitted so it was agreed that this was a good idea. Cllr Denman, the Clerk and the ward councillors will arrange this. The planning officers agreed to attend this meeting and will also invite other interested parties such as Development Control officers. Cllr Denman thanked the planning officers for coming to the meeting. After this item, the MKC and Northants CC officers left the meeting, along with a few members of the public. ACTION: Clerk, Cllr Denman, ward cllrs


6.1 Stonepits Copse woodland mowing. The clerk reported that the annual mowing of the woodland has now been completed.

6.2 Tree maintenance update The clerk reported that she has received a report of fruit trees at the VH play area that need attention; and has taken the opportunity to contact Oakland Tree Services to ask for the Spring 2013 tree surveys to be reviewed and updated with a view to arranging any necessary remedial work this Autumn. ACTION: Clerk

6.3 Ditches and drainage on High St. The Autocad survey of the ditches and drainage system from Alban Hill nursery down the High St has now been received and indicates a lot of maintenance still needed. Cllrs agreed to study this document and discuss it at the next meeting. ACTION: All cllrs

6.4 Pre-school play area Following a request from the pre-school, MKC have contacted the clerk and asked for the horse chestnut stump to be ground down some more, before they undertake to even out the ground. The clerk will contact the contractor who felled the tree.ACTION: Clerk


Peter Geary stressed that this is a crucial time in Minerals Plan process and urged residents to get their comments and opinions heard by responding to the Draft Minerals Plan consultation by the stated deadline.

Peter reported that the recent rave held at Petsoe End caused considerable disturbance to nearby residents; and that the council were currently focussing on preventing further raves by making sites less attractive to the organisers.

Peter reported that during the current enquiry into taxi driving licences, the council are acting swiftly to ensure that public safety is of paramount importance. There have already been several suspensions and resignations, including that of the current mayor of Milton Keynes.


Mel Northfield in his capacity of co-chair of Shopco gave the meeting a brief history of the current village shop. In 2009 the parish council proposed the building of a new permanent shop opposite the village hall where the current shop sits now. The idea of a new shop was widely supported by all who attended the meeting and volunteers undertook to see if any other suitable locations could be found. None were found to be feasible however; and Shopco was established as a separate entity from the parish council to set up a temporary shop on the originally proposed site. Shopco, with support from the village and MKC, obtained the consent and purchased the porta-cabin along with the utilities, fixtures, fittings etc. The shop opened in 2012 and Shopco as landlord undertakes the maintenance and receives rent from the tenants who run the retail business. The temporary planning consent has been extended until 2017 and the permanent building consent expires in 2016. Mel and his co-chairs feel that Shopco has achieved what it set out to do, and would like to propose that the ownership of the building now be transferred to the parish council. Cllr Denman firstly thanked Shopco for its great efforts in all achieved so far, and then gave his support for the proposals. Comments from the other councillors also broadly gave support, but a concern was raised as to whether the parish council has the necessary skills and resources to take on such a venture, and it was agreed that a more detailed proposal was required in order for the parish council to understand exactly what it is involved. Mel agreed to produce this. The clerk reminded the council that another management sub-committee would have to be formed, upon which at least 3 councillors must sit, along with other volunteer residents. It was also agreed that Shopco’s shareholders must be consulted and give their approval, and the co-chairs of Shopco agreed to undertake this in time for the next meeting. ACTION: Shopco


9.1 Bank Account balance at 1st July 2014 £20,508.25

9.2 Cheques for payment were as follows:

VOID VOID VOID £- 102227
02/09/2014 Bernard Crook Garden Services Mow Stonepits Copse £132.00 102228
02/09/2014 SCAN magazine Advertising for pavilion £145.00 102229
02/09/2014 Bucks Playing Field Association Subscription £20.00 102230
02/09/2014 Prepared Payroll Solutions Payroll provider £72.00 102231
02/09/2014 Sports Ground Services Mowing rec field £331.20 102232
02/09/2014 Barry Tofts Rec ground maintenance £570.00 102233
02/09/2014 Barry Tofts Noticeboard repair £180.00 102233
02/09/2014 Sherington Village Hall Hall Hire £118.25 102234
02/09/2014 Nina Beal Pavilion cleaner £84.00 102235
02/09/2014 A H Contracts Dog Bins £189.00 102236
02/09/2014 Martin Jeeves Perry Lane caretaker/bookings £200.00 102237
02/09/2014 MK Play Association Play Ranger sessions £2,205.00 102238
VOID VOID VOID £- 102239
02/09/2014 Wendy Austyn Clerk’s expenses £29.69 102240
02/09/2014 Wendy Austyn Clerk’s salary £305.80 102240

9.3. Request for funding from Sherington Historical Society. Councillors agreed to donate £500 towards the refurbishment of SHS’ folders and archives. ACTION: Clerk

9.4. Request for funding from MK Mediation Service. Councillors were divided between declining the request and donating £100 as per the last two years. The chairman proposed a donation of £50 which was then agreed. ACTION: Clerk

9.5. Approve expenditure for repair to noticeboard outside school. £180 for the emergency repair of the noticeboard between meetings was agreed.


10.1. 14/01478/FUL 10 High St – Conversion and extension of existing outbuildings into annex accommodation (resubmission14/00696/FUL). There were no adverse comments. ACTION: Clerk

10.2. 14/01494/FUL The Granary, 7 Manor Courtyard – Change of use from offices (use Class B1) to residential dwelling (use Class C3) and conversion to form two, two bedroom apartments (resubmission 14/00531/FUL). Councillors noted that further to the original application being refused, more detailed information had been provided and had no adverse comments. ACTION: Clerk

10.3. 14/01607/FUL 31 Crofts End – Erection of single storey rear timber outbuilding (retrospective). – Councillors had no objections in principle but are aware of the neighbour’s concerns regarding proximity to their land and wish this to be taken into account. ACTION: Clerk

10.4. 14/01822/FUL 4 Leys View – Erection of balcony to rear of property Councillors had no objection in principle but would like any visual intrusion onto the adjacent properties to be taken into account. ACTION: Clerk

10.5. The clerk reported that there are 2 or 3 TCA (Tree/s in a Conservation Area) applications that were validated early August but did not appear on the planning portal database until the very end of August and have a Target Determination Date of mid-September which doesn’t give the parish council any time to consider them. Ward Cllr Peter Geary suggested that the parish council write to the Chief Executive of MKC to complain.ACTION: Clerk/Cllr Denman

10.6. Decisions. The applications for the shop (8b Church Road), C J Haynes, 10 High St and The Manor 4 High St were approved. Detailed documents can be accessed via the MKC Planning website.


11.1. Management committee report. Cllr Ager reported that the committee next meets on Wednesday 10th September. Cllr Northfield queried why there have been no reports to the parish council for several months.


12.1. NECAF Meeting 11th September 2014 Cllr Collinge will attend and report to the next meeting. ACTION: Cllr Collinge


13.1. MKC Draft Minerals Plan, deadline 5th November 2014. As per item 5 there will be a village meeting in the next few weeks to gather as many people’s opinions as possible before forming a considered response from the parish council. All residents are also free to respond to the consultation individually. ACTION: Clerk/Cllr Denman

13.2. Pre-application consultation request proposed 4G base station Bedford Road, Sherington. The clerk reported that a planning application was not required, and it was agreed it was not necessary to respond.

13.3. MKC Site Allocations Plan – Issues and Options, deadline 5th November 2014.After item 5 Fiona Robinson from MKC Planning reported that the documents for the consultation are about to be published and the consultation starts on 10th September. It was agreed to invite MKC Planning to the October meeting. ACTION: Clerk

13.4. Draft Planning Obligations Protocol consultation, deadline 7th November 2014.The draft document having only just been released, it was agreed to discuss this at the next meeting.


14.1 Peter Burton who was previously involved with Shopco stressed that events must move quickly in order to secure the future of the village shop.


15.1 Cllr Northfield queried whether consent has been obtained for the Slimming World advertising signs that are appearing around the village. It was apparent that it hasn’t, however the parish council supports the venture as a major user of the pavilion. Cllr Hyde reported however that the sign opposite Sherington Bridge Farm can obstruct vision for vehicles, so Cllr Ager will speak to the organiser. ACTION: Cllr Ager

15.2 Cllr Hyde reported that the Crofts End street sign has been knocked out of the ground again. ACTION: Clerk

15.3 Cllr Collinge reported that Church Road will be resurfaced starting late September.

15.4 Cllr Denman asked the clerk to look at the proposed date of the Annual Meeting next May, bearing in mind there will be an election of the parish council at the same time.ACTION: Clerk

13. DATE OF NEXT MEETING The next meeting will be held on Tuesday 7th October 2014 at the Village Hall commencing at 7.30 pm. There being no further business the meeting ended at 9.15 pm

Useful Contact Information

Parish Council Clerk (Interim):

  • Jacqueline Galloway
  • 07494 760791


  • Peter Palmer
  • 07710 242521

Other council members

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