Minutes – June 2014
Minutes of the Meeting of Sherington Parish Council held on Tuesday 3rd June 2014 at Sherington Village Hall, commencing at 7.30pm.
PRESENT: Cllrs A Denman (Chair), J Ager, D Hyde, M Northfield, I Collinge, J Cook and S Cook.
ALSO ATTENDING: Wendy Austyn (Clerk), Cllrs Peter Geary and David Hosking and four members of the public.
Ward Cllr McLean. Cllr Denman also welcomed Peter Geary and David Hosking, being two out of the three newly elected ward councillors for the new Olney cum Sherington ward.
Cllrs S Cook and J Cook both declared an interest in item 8.1.
The minutes of the meeting held on 6th May 2014 were agreed as a true record and signed by the Chairman
The chairman regretfully announced that the clerk had recently submitted her resignation and therefore the process to recruit a suitable replacement must begin. A recruitment committee and rough schedule would be drafted after the meeting. ACTION: Clerk, Chairman
5.1 Fence at VH play area. The clerk reported that the second fence repair was complete and councillors agreed that it was now to a satisfactory standard. Mark Hine has given permission for the parish council to use the remainder of the fencing roll to repair the 3 other narrow broken sections. Phillip Hine proposed that he look at these other areas and then maybe repair them himself. It was agreed he would liaise with the clerk. The clerk reported that she was also currently obtaining a quote to repair the ascot fence on The Knoll.ACTION: Clerk
5.2 High St (Alban Hill) ditch and drainage update. The clerk reported that Mark Bennett from MKC has carried out a survey on the storm water drains as best he could although further ditch cleaning, trial holes and drain jetting work would be required. It was agreed to continue to chase for this work to be carried out. The survey will be distributed once it is in electronic format. Councillors were asked to keep an eye on the road, drains and ditches after any heavy rain, and to take photos as evidence of how they are now working following the recent clearance work. ACTION: Clerk and all cllrs
Peter Geary had nothing to report but stated that over the next few weeks he and his fellow ward councillors would be figuring out how to best to cover 17 parishes including 14 parish council meetings each month, many of which clash with each other. It was noted that Keith McLean may be less readily available when he soon takes on the role of Deputy Mayor. Councillors had no items for the ward councillors’ involvement so Peter and David then left the meeting.
7.1 Bank Account balance at 3rd June 2014 £24,894.65
7.2 Cheques for payment were as follows:
03/06/2014 | E.On | Electricity for pavilion | £505.42 | 102211 |
03/06/2014 | Sherington Village Hall | Hall Hire | £28.20 | 102212 |
03/06/2014 | A H Contracts | Dog Bins | £273.00 | 102213 |
03/06/2014 | Zurich Municipal | Insurance | £1239.09 | 102214 |
03/06/2014 | Anglian Water | Water for pavilion | £108.34 | 102215 |
03/06/2014 | Martin Jeeves | Perry Lane caretaker/bookings | £100.00 | 102216 |
03/06/2014 | Nina Beal | Pavilion cleaner | £42.00 | 102217 |
03/06/2014 | Wendy Austyn | Clerk’s salary | £192.58 | 102218 |
7.3. MKC Parish Partnership Fund 2014/15. The clerk reported that an application to this fund has been made and a decision is awaited.
7.4. Bank mandate. The clerk confirmed that the mandate with new signatories was now in place.
8.1. 14/00531/FUL The Granary 7 Manor Courtyard – Change of use from offices to residential dwelling and convert to two 2 bedroom apartments – Cllrs James Cook and Sally Cook left the meeting at this point. The remaining councillors noted Sally’s objections as a neighbour but considered these to be of a technical nature and therefore for qualified MKC officers to deliberate. It was unanimously agreed that it is preferable for the unit to be converted rather than left empty; and that the proposals do not have an impact on the general appearance of the courtyard. Councillors recalled that they did not object to the very similar conversion of the immediately adjacent property a few years ago and therefore had no adverse comments to make. ACTION: Clerk
8.2. 114/00862/TCA The Old Rectory, 16 School Lane – various works to trees in a conservation area Cllrs had considered this application between meetings owing to the expiry date of 2nd June and had already told MKC that there were no adverse comments to make.
8.3. 14/01039/TPO The Old Rectory 16 School Lane – various works to trees with Tree Preservation Orders Councillors agreed that if a tree specialist considered the work necessary then there would be no adverse comments. ACTION: Clerk
8.4. 14/00713/OUT 14 School Lane – Erection of 2 bedroom detached bungalow on garden land There were no adverse comments. ACTION: Clerk
8.5. 14/00876/FUL 8b Church Road (Sherington village shop) – variation of condition 2 (limited period) attached to 11/01155/FUL for additional 3 years permission There were no adverse comments, councillors agreed that they were in full support of keeping the village shop business going. ACTION: Clerk
8.6. Decisions. Applications for 1 Park Road, 5 Knoll Close and 10 High St have all been granted.
9.1. Management committee report. There was no report.
9.2. Maintenance work on recreation field The clerk reported that Tony Pilcher has announced he no longer wishes to do any voluntary or unpaid work for the parish council. The clerk is currently obtaining another quote to remove the shelters and repair the fencing.ACTION: Clerk
10.1. MK Bus Users Annual Meeting 30th May Cllr Denman had been intending to go to this meeting but was then unable to so there was no report.
12.1 Robin Storey informed the parish council that he had commented on the TPO application raising concern over the necessity of the proposals and reported that the MKC Tree Officer had objected.
12.2 Robin Storey informed the parish council that he had commented on the shop application and would object to any proposals to relax early morning delivery times. He would also be concerned if the shop was left unoccupied for more than a few weeks.
12.3 A resident enquired about her rights regarding a Leylandii tree from a neighbouring property that is leaning over her property. The clerk suggested she contact a tree officer at MKC for advice.
Cllr Hyde commented that Tony Pilcher has carried out many maintenance tasks for the parish council over the years both paid and unpaid. He with other residents have also been instrumental in helping with many village events such as May Day and erecting the Christmas tree, as well as supplying power to The Knoll free of charge. It was agreed to send a letter of thanks to Tony. ACTION: Clerk
14. DATE OF NEXT MEETING The next meeting will be held on Tuesday 1st July 2014 at the Village Hall commencing at 7.30 pm. There being no further business the meeting ended at 8.10 pm.