Category: News
The Parish Council has had a request to seek a 20mph speed limit on Hazelmead Drive, if you have any comments or concerns regarding this please could you contact the Clerk using the comments box below. […]
Prostate Cancer Support are holding a PSA blood testing event in Sherington. If you are a man over 40 please do try and attend.
Following on from the event below and Milton Keynes Arts Centre’s conversations with residents in November they are inviting you to join them for a meeting in which they will outline their proposed approach to developing an artist’s brief for a public artwork in Sherington and the criteria associating its funding. They will also present […]
Important Notice!
We need your help to spend over £36,000 on public art for our village. This large amount of money (which can specifically and only to be spent on public art in Sherington) comes from the S106 agreement attached to the planning approval for the Sherington Grange development. The project is being managed, and will be […]