To be approved at the next meeting.
PRESENT: Cllrs McNeil, Mears, Nokes, Palmer, Short, Shires and Sexton, Parish Clerk Lauren Scott and RFO William Pike.
ALSO ATTENDING: Cllr Peter Geary, Jeff Charles Caretaker and 7 members of the public.
- Receive and accept apologies: Cllrs McLean and Hosking, PCSO Huckle
- Receive declarations of interest: Cllr McNeil in respect of 10.4 Cllr Shires 10.4 and 10.9.
- Approve minutes from the meeting 9th November: Approved once Spelling mistake and change of reference in 10.4 from bankrupt to ceased trading have been actioned.
- Receive Ward councillors report: Cllr Geary gave an update on the MKEast development that has been approved and advised there may be S106 development money available.
- Receive PCSO report: PCSO Huckle sent a short report, available on the PC website, he also advised that the new road safety officer is now incumbent, LS advised that she has a Clerks meet and greet with him at the beginning of January.
- Review of action log: It was agreed to change this area to actions arising from the minutes, none were outstanding.
- Clerks report: LS has been busy getting up to date on all correspondence, the website is now being finalised and should be ready to launch just after the Christmas period.
- Receive caretaker report: Please see on website. Cllr McNeil forwarded a motion to purchase 2 new bins similar to the new bin on the knoll that has been provided by MKC, through grant funding, Cllr Nokes seconded, and all were in favour, Clerk to purchase.
- Asset management – Pavilion, Cllr McNeil forwarded a motion to purchase new PIR lighting for outside, Cllr Shires seconded, all were in favour.
- Project group updates:
10.1 The Queens Jubilee – A group will be set up to organise the village wide celebrations, PC to put together a village picnic on Sunday 5th June, Jeff to check on the condition of the Beacon for lighting on Thursday 2nd
10.2 MUGA: This project is now completed and will therefore be included under Pavilion from now on.
10.3 SHOP: Cllr McNeil gave a short update on the situation; we have not yet received a reply to our letter. Clerk to draft a letter requesting that the tenants turn on the car park lighting for the safety of all customers.
10.4 BarnCo: Due to Cllr McNeil’s pecuniary interest in this area Cllr Mears takes the Chair – A short update was given by Cllr Nokes, nothing to report as we are waiting for the planning decision.
Cllr McNeil Retakes the chair
10.5 Landscaping – The Clerk has applied for 10 new trees from the Queens canopy fund as requested by Cllr Mears, Work is progressing well on the high street, it was agreed that the Clerk should email Mr Hannon for an update and to request a timeline for the drainage works on Gun Lane.
It was noted that the walnut trees in the VH Play area are still alive and it was requested that Jeff should create some tree guards to protect them.
Allotments are to be added to the agenda for next month for discussion on rectifying the damaged pathway.
10.6 Biodiversity – A small working party braved the elements on the 27th to have a winter tidy up, new benches need to be purchased to ensure good use of the area, these will be added to the budget for the coming year.
10.7 Drainage – Work is progressing well.
10.8 Highways: It was agreed to add to next month’s agenda that the clerk should email the head of highways and ask that the corner of school lane, church road and gun lanes be considered for double yellow lines to curtail the parking of visitors cars in these areas during events at the Church and Pub amongst others, in the mean time it was agreed that the clerk ask that when advertising events in the village all groups highlight in their advertising the parking available at the village hall. - Finance: All payments and invoices received were approved and sent for payment.
Councillors attended a pre-budget meeting on 30th Nov, RFO Will Pike will put forward a budget from items raised at that meeting, during that meeting it was agreed to award pay increases to all PC staff, Cllr McNeil forwarded this motion, Cllr Shires seconded, all were in favour.
It was also agreed to increase the hire charge for the pavilion from January 2022. Cllr McNeil forwarded the motion, Cllr Mears seconded, all were in favour.
It was agreed that Cllr McNeil, Lauren Scott and/or William Pike should book a visit to Metro bank to add Cllr Palmer, Cllr Nokes, Cllr Mears, Cllr Shires, Cllr Sexton and Cllr Short to the bank mandate as soon as is practical.
Current Account: £60,099.58
Savings Account: £35,477.48
Payments Due: £60,680.24
Total Funds: £34,896.82
- Planning: Nothing new on the portal.
- Consider correspondence and new consultations.
The Neighbourhood plan review – It was agreed to set up a meeting on the 25th of January for all interested parties, a steering group will be set up to start the process.
Add to next months agenda to chase Cllr Mclean regarding the Tru-velo strips, look in to purchasing a Sentinel speed camera device. - External meetings: 8th December BP EV charging point meeting – Cllr Nokes. 13th December – BarnCo – Cllr Nokes.
- Councillors’ items:
- Receive public comment: A Member of the public brought to the Councils’ attention some landscaping and safety requests to be considered, it was agreed the clerk would investigate and act accordingly. Clerk to send letters to all parties with hedging/shrubbery encroaching highways land, and to residents parking in areas that are deemed unsafe for road users.
- Date of the next meeting: 11th January.