21/01272/FUL | Erection of One x 2-bed bungalow with parking and access off School Lane (resubmission 21/00319/FUL) | 37 Crofts End Sherington Newport Pagnell MK16 9ND

New planning application received for a 2 bedroom bungalow with access off the car park on school lane.

21/01272/FUL | Erection of One x 2-bed bungalow with parking and access off School Lane (resubmission 21/00319/FUL) | 37 Crofts End Sherington Newport Pagnell MK16 9ND

Please click on the link below to access the relevant documentation online, Please note that the deadline for public comment is 03/06/2021.


The below link is a downloadable zip file of the documentation.

Documents(25 May 2021)  


25A5FBD21EB34F29BF50AFAFC0F09F8E 7B02E7C284814C4886C318678C9A295A 7B02E7C284814C4886C318678C9A295B 7B02E7C284814C4886C318678C9A295C 7B02E7C284814C4886C318678C9A295D 7B02E7C284814C4886C318678C9A2958 7B02E7C284814C4886C318678C9A2959 FB66C3AC2B124582A4239CC6AB7809CD



Useful Contact Information

Parish Council Clerk (Interim):

  • Jacqueline Galloway
  • 07494 760791


  • Peter Palmer
  • 07710 242521

Other council members

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