Change to Parish Council Meeting Format

Change to Parish Council Meeting Format

As the new chair of the Parish Council I am making a few changes to the format of the meetings to enable Councillors to debate matters and make decisions in a more formal manner, in line with good practice and the Parish Council Constitution.


The monthly Parish Council meetings are meetings of Sherington Parish Councillors to which the public are invited to observe. The meetings are not general public meetings where views, concerns and complaints are raised on a wide variety of topics. Therefore, from July, the Parish Council meetings will have a change of sequence in the agenda. The item “Receive Public Comments”, which has been towards the end of the agenda, will be moved to item 4 on the agenda and will be limited to 20mins.  Items raised will be noted, clarified if required and then dealt with within the agenda items. For the rest of the meeting, the only questions accepted from the public will be for clarification of points discussed by Councillors.  Views and comments on issues can be expressed to Councillors before and after the meeting or via email and by phone call.  There is an item on the agenda “Consider Correspondence and New Consultations” where communications from the public will be discussed plus other items not covered within the agenda.

Issues relative to Sherington Parish eg Pavilion, The Knoll, The Recreation Ground, Shop, Biodiversity, Planning, Parking, Dog Fouling, Bus Shelters, Benches should be raised with the Parish Council, preferably via the Clerk or any Councillor.

Issues relative to MK Council eg Street Lights, Landscaping (this will move to Sherington April 2020), Gullies/Ditches, Footpaths, Roads, Fly Tipping should be reported directly to MK Council preferably using the online “Report It” or via Customer Service on 01908 691691.  If the issue is not resolved then you should raise a complaint; there is a separate form for this.  If you are still having problems then please contact your Ward Councillor for advice.  This can be done before and after the Parish Council meeting or via email. Please complete the above steps before contacting the Ward Councillor.

Brian Watts

Useful Contact Information

Parish Council Clerk (Interim):

  • Jacqueline Galloway
  • 07494 760791


  • Peter Palmer
  • 07710 242521

Other council members

Enquire Using Our Form