Lathbury Minerals extraction pre-application consultation response

Members of Sherington PC and a number of the community attended the presentation and were pleased to see a reduction in overall size of the area of minerals extraction but would like to bring the following points to the attention of the applicants:
1. We would ask that wherever possible, any enhancement to the site upon completion of the works is carried out in a way which would benefit both residents of Lathbury and also the wider community, namely, allowing public enjoyment of the new wetland from existing public rights of way by creating permitted paths around the new features.
2. It is understood that traffic to the site will run from Monday morning until mid-day Saturday but the precise numbers of vehicles both entering and leaving the site remains unclear. We would value an accurate forecast of the volume of traffic, both leaving the site and entering with in-fill.
3. The route of site traffic was clearly shown at the presentation to make use of Sherington Road, Chichely Hill and the A509 roundabout & bypass. We would value clarification of the methods which will be used to ensure drivers follow this route and do not, inadvertently or otherwise, proceed through Sherington towards Olney and the A509.
4. With no bunding present where the site for extraction boarders with the river and nearby shooting ground one field away, it is imperative that the owner of this business is consulted directly to ensure mitigation of any risk of accident and also to minimise the impact on this local business.

Useful Contact Information

Parish Council Clerk (Interim):

  • Jacqueline Galloway
  • 07494 760791


  • Peter Palmer
  • 07710 242521

Other council members

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