Planning Applications Summary

Summary Overview

Planning Applications and Decisions

For a full view of all the applications and decisions visit Milton Keynes Planning Portal

Ref Number Description Comments / Decision if known
Ref. No: 17/02628/FUL Single storey extension to kitchen and conversion of first-floor bathroom to office  The PC support on the basis of policy NP9 Support Local Businesses, subject to the views of MKC conservation officer given the White Hart is listed and in the Conservation Area
Ref. No: 17/02470/LBC

Ref. No: 17/02469/FUL

Creation of a new planning unit covering the barn, sub-dividing The Small House into two dwellings. The Parish would not support this application on the basis of NP1, which states that development within the settlement boundary will only be supported if it preserves and enhances the Conservation Area
Ref. No: 17/02407/FUL Demolition of existing structures (46m sq) and extension to the existing coffee shop to form an additional seating area, kitchen facilities and pergola (85m sq) The PC support the application on the basis of policy NP9 – support local businesses
Ref. No: 17/02319/TCA Notification of intention to fell one Sycamore (G19) and fell one Ash (G28) PC withdraws objection on meeting with Conservation and Owner.

The level of tree planting and forward planning land management that the applicant is doing is to be actively encouraged.

Ref. No: 17/02153/OUT Resubmission of application – Ref: 17/00206/OUT – for the demolition of existing buildings/structures and erection of up to 30 dwellings – outline application with details of access Application Refused
Ref. No: 17/02021/CLUP Certificate of lawfulness for the proposed single-storey side extension Certificate of Lawfulness – Refuse
Ref. No: 17/01882/FUL Single-storey rear extension and first-floor extension to enlarge bedroom. Application Permitted
Ref. No: 17/01771/LBC Listed building consent to replace, in the exact style and shape, windows on the front elevation Application Permitted
Ref. No: 17/01708/FUL Demolition of existing conservatory and part of rear wall, erection of single-storey rear extension and single storey side extension Application Permitted
Ref. No: 17/01360/FUL New steel portal frame agricultural building Application Permitted


Useful Contact Information

Parish Council Clerk (Interim):

  • Jacqueline Galloway
  • 07494 760791


  • Peter Palmer
  • 07710 242521

Other council members

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