Minutes of the meeting of Sherington Parish Council held on Tuesday 6th December 2016 at Sherington Village Hall, commencing at 7.30pm
PRESENT: W Bush (Chair), Cllrs A Thatcher, A Hughes, R Johnstone & E Caldwell
ALSO ATTENDING: Keith McLean & David Hoskings (Cllrs for Olney Ward), Tracey Young (Clerk) and 18 members of the public.
Ward Cllr P Geary | |
None | |
3. APPROVE MINUTES FROM LAST MEETING – 1st November 2016 | |
Signed | |
Cllr Bush referred to the Minerals Local Plan and that the 6 week consultation had kicked off and was still ongoing. Also some changes to Proposed Development Control regarding representation and when, were the changes going to happen. Cllr McLean advised it would be next year. WB to draft something. | WB |
5.1 Pre-school play area – shortfall funding. Cllr Thatcher reported that the pre-school had applied for funding from Wren and have been given 80% of the grant leaving a shortfall of £5,000 which the pre-school have asked the Parish to cover. The Parish originally pledged £3436.70 which was 10% of the grant funding and the total that the parish would now need to pledge is £3016. Anna explained that the pre-school were still fund raising and so far have raised £1500 within 3 weeks and if there was no guarantee from the Parish that the money was available then they would lose the whole grant. The shortfall would not require paying until the end of the project.
Cllr Thatcher advised that the £3436.70 would need paying now. Anna confirmed that Wren require a letter from the PC to say we will cover the shortfall. All Cllrs in agreement to pay the shortfall 5.2 Welcome Pack for the Village. TY reminded Cllr Bush that a couple of months ago we minuted that we would arrange a Village Welcome Pack and Jackie Inskipp kindly provided one. A member of the public volunteered to take this project on board and update the pack where necessary. 5.3 Sherington Youth Club. TY report that she had received an email from the YC asking for a donation. TY to ask the YC for more details with regards to requirements
TY |
Cllr Hoskings reported that budget proposals were still on going and an update would be available within 6-8 weeks. Proposal cuts are as follows:
· Cut the amount of money which is paid to bus operators · Re-stocking grit bins · Weed spraying · Road gritting · Frequency of street cleaning Cllr Hoskings added that some of the above may remain or get thrown out entirely. Cllr McLean asked that a mistake he made regarding the Minerals Local Plan be noted with regards to the examination in public, it is actually adjourned and no longer can this be consulted on. Cllr McLean confirmed that the cabinet will be meeting next week to review the budget and that there will be another iteration of it in early 2017 and then it will go to Council in February for approval or not. Cllr Caldwell commented that there was still a trend of items being cut which the Parish will then have to pay for. Cllr McLean confirmed it would be a precept lead funding stream and suggested working together with other Parishes as some of them have their own kit and can offer a better rate. Cllr Hoskings added that Olney, Weston Underwood and Ravenstone PC all do their own landscaping and that MKC pay those PC’s to deliver that service and make arrangements with a local contractor. |
TY |
TY reported that the Xmas tree was now in the Knoll, big thank you to Tony Pilcher and the Christmas Team for all their hard work.
TY confirmed that grant funding for the Neighbourhood Plan had been agreed and that this was the final grant available to the PC. |
Cllr Bush confirmed that the Final NP was submitted to MKC at lunchtime today and there would now be an 8 week consultation period, taking in account the holiday period. MKC planning department will be talking to potential examiners at the end of the consultation period and then an examiner will be appointed. There is a possibility of a public hearing if the examiner requests it. Timeline would be as follows:
· the examiner would look at the plan in February · MKC Electoral Dept will arrange a Parish poll · Poll would ask whether the plan is supported or not · Plan to be passed by the spring Cllr Bush added that there would be another Open Surgery to discuss the NP on Saturday the 10th December at 10am in the Village Hall A member of public asked whether the village boundary would be defensible, Cllr Bush confirmed this and added that the first policy in the plan was about the settlement boundary which was set in 2005, therefore the Parish is proposing that we stick with this boundary with 2 exceptions – 1 boundary that goes around the High St site and another one that goes around the Water Lane site. The planning significance of that, even if MKC don’t have their 5 year land supply and that their policies are treated as out of date, 1 of those policies is the village boundaries and if we have a piece of planning law which is more recent and there is a boundary set in that policy then it is not likely to be ignored by an inspector. Cllr Bush concluded that whatever is in the Plan MK will become more important and to ensure that the NP must conform. |
SHOP – Cllr Johnstone reported that the CCTV has gone in but there is not enough memory for the licence as images need to be stored for 28 days but currently the memory only holds 21 days therefore another £100 will need to be spent in order to increase the memory. Cllrs were in agreement.
Cllr Johnstone added that the yearly rent was £3000 and due to go up next year so with regards to income and expenditure the shop was making money. Cllr Johnstone continued that a non-permanent structure could be added which was a wooden building on a concrete plinth which would cost under £100k. Cllrs agreed to go ahead. Cllr Bush asked when would, we need to ask for planning permission and Cllr Johnstone confirmed he would be writing to Shires. Cllr Hughes suggested a sandwich board to go on the Knoll advertising the shop and whether we would need planning permission. TY to ask planning PAVILION – Cllr Caldwell reported the ongoing discussions regarding the lease, the lease would remain as is and secure rental next year. We are still looking for quotes regarding the drainage and still waiting for a response from MKC. Cllr Hughes suggested, in view of recent refurbishments to the pavilion, that the building and surrounding area be renamed the Jack Cook Memorial Sports Recreational Ground. This would also recognise the very generous gesture made by Jack Cook many years ago. Cllrs all in agreement. TY to obtain prices |
10. FINANCE | |
Bank Account Balance 6th December 2016 £39,291.95 | |
10.1. Approve Cheques for payment – Approved
Tracey Young – Clerks Salary £242.68 Tracey Young – Pavilion Bookings £50.00 Tracey Young – Clerks Expenses £18.25 Lee Brooker – Caretaker Salary £333.45 Lee Brooker – Caretakers Expenses £4.50 Printing and Mailing Co – Leaflets NP £60.00 Printing and Mailing Co – Leaflets NP £60.00 Printing and Mailing Co – Boards NP £292.50 MK Pulse Magazine – Advert NP £144.00 Town Planning Services – NP £420.00 Town Planning Services – NP £474.00 Town Planning Services – NP £4,104.00 HMRC – PAYE £231.58 EON – Electricity for Pavilion £693.00 AH Contracts – New Dog Bins £756.00 AH Contracts – Dog Bins Inv 8592 £84.00 AH Contracts – Dog Bins Inv 8649 £84.00 AH Contracts – Dog Bins Inv 8706 £105.00 AH Contracts – Dog Bins Inv 8762 £84.00 AH Contracts – Dog Bins Inv 8819 £84.00 AH Contracts – Dog Bins Inv 8876 £105.00 MK Commercial Ground Care – Landscaping £414.37 Sherington Village Hall – Hire £13.00 Safety Tec –Defibrilator Case £362.85 Alban Hill Nurseries – Xmas Tree £125.00 Defibrilator – John suggested outside the front of the Village Hall |
TY |
11.1 REF: 16/03119/FUL Land to the East of High St – Residential development for 9 x dwelling houses
Cllr Bush confirmed that the parish could not support this application as it was outside the village boundary and in a non-sustainable location and there have been 2 sites slightly further North that were objected at appeal due to their lack of sustainability and that these were not sites within the NP therefore on that basis we will resist the applications. Cllrs all in agreement. Comments on portal that we do not support as above. 11.2 REF: 16/03209/LBC The Small House 6 High St – Listed building consent for erection of a 3 bedroom detached dwelling house in the grounds of The Small House which is a Grade ll Listed Building Cllr Bush reported that a lot of residents had commented on this application and that a listed building was an important consideration. Cllr Bush asked for the Cllrs comments. Cllr Caldwell mentioned that on the MK Portal the application had been listed as consultation response and when people have objected, it is quite misleading as they have been entered incorrectly. It looks as though there is only 1 objection when in fact there is more than that. Cllr Thatcher mentioned that a few residents had expressed their concerns to her and confirmed she could not support. Cllr Hughes expressed concern regarding the height and confirmed not able to support. Cllr Johnstone commented that he did not have a problem with the application. Cllr Caldwell added that based on the impact of the setting of the listed building due to the correct size he did not support. Cllr Bush does not support the application 11.3 REF: 16/03223/TCA 55 High St – Notification of intent to reduce 2 x Silver Birch crown reduction by 5m; prune and shape 1 x Rowan reducing height by approximately 7m; reduce height of 2 x Lawson Cypress by 5m. Cllrs confirmed their support of this application 11.4 REF: 16/03238/FUL Arbour Cottage Church Rd – Demolition of existing sun room and erection of a single storey extension with flat roof Cllrs confirmed their support of this application Steve mentioned that the trees in Manor Road had been significantly reduced and whether there was a planning permission request. TY to write to Planning Cllr Johnstone asked whether we needed planning permission to cut down the trees on the Knoll. TY to speak to Tony |
TY |
12.1 CPR training 17th November at 7pm in the Village Hall. Went very well and residents have asked for another training session in the Spring. | |
David Williams reported that 40 trees still needed to be planted and due to their size he asked whether the PC would donate some money for another 10 large trees to plant in specific places around the village. The cost would be approximately £440 for 10 trees including stakes. Mr Cook will also donate an oak tree to the village. Cllrs agreed to make the donation.
Oliver Powell suggested that the tree be planted for Phil Smith as he is coming up to 90yrs. David also added that there was some damage caused to the grave stones and grave railings which he assumes was damage caused by the mower. TY to action Jane Coles mentioned that the MPH limit in Gun Lane is not very visible due to the bad lighting there and can be dangerous. Cllr McLean suggested the sign being illuminated and whether the surface is a reasonable condition and would get someone out in early 2017. Cllr McLean suggested writing to David Hall from Highways and to arrange to meet Jane and suggest options. Oliver suggested reducing the speed limit by the garden centre as a lot of cars speed along that road. Cllr McLean advised speaking to David Hall. Cllr Thatcher suggested a SID on Bedford Road. Cllr Johnstone advised moving the 30mph sign. Cllr McLean advised the Cllrs to produce a list. |
Cllr Thatcher suggested meeting on the 3rd January before the PC meeting to go through the precept. | TY
The next Parish Council meeting will be held at the Hall on Tuesday 3rd January 2017 at 7.30pm. There being no further business the meeting ended at 2100hrs. | TY
Meeting closed at 8.55pm