Minutes of the Meeting of Sherington Parish Council held on Tuesday 2nd June 2015 at Sherington Village Hall, commencing at 7.30pm.
PRESENT: Cllrs I Collinge (Chair), A Thatcher, R Johnstone, A Hughes, RConstantine and E Caldwell.
ALSO ATTENDING: : Hannah Balazs (Clerk) and fourteen members of the public.
Ward Cllr D Hosking, Cllr W Bush.
The minutes of the meeting held on 12th May 2015 were agreed as a true record and signed by the Chairman.
Regarding minutes – No objections to putting draft minutes on website
- Pavilion Car Park belongs to Housing team which is concentrating their resources on housing. Been campaigning for the roads to be adopted by MKC – suggested investigating Parish Partnerships or other funding to achieve repairs.
- MKC Cultural services review looking at Children’s Centre and Libraries facing budget cuts so the future of local libraries are in doubt this may affect mobile library as well as Olney and Newport Pagnell open hours likely to be effected – are looking at making Libraries the one stop shop for council services – suggest we add to the July agenda to review and comment. ACTION: Clerk
- Draft Minerals Plan cabinet meeting planned for Monday, likely to recommend that the July Council meeting will approve for further consultation (12 weeks). Concerns over the figure and plans to challenge it 180 tonnes = 10 yr average which is greater than the 3yr average which could mean that all sites identified would not be necessary. Urge people to be aware and come and speak at the July meeting. Don’t have to notify attendance but expect 2-3 minutes to speak – More will be known tomorrow night, Cllr Geary will email details. 18month estimated before seeing a plan ACTION: Cllr Geary
– Add to July agenda ACTION: Clerk
- Play association – Thursdays pm 4th June then again in September – will go in next issue of SCAN, Posters up around village ACTION: Clerk
- Parish Council list of contractors – being compiled by Hannah and Poster for SCANACTION: Clerk
- Mandate is now at the Bank – all Councillors to go in with ID (Passport and Driving Licence) ACTION: All Cllrs
Steering group: Cllr Bush proposed for Chair by Cllr Collinge and seconded by Cllr Caldwell – all agreed. Group to consist of Cllrs Hughes, Constantine, Caldwell, Thatcher, Collinge, Bush.
Mission Statement and Objectives meeting to be arranged between Cllr Bush and Cllr Thatcher to pull together a final draft for approval. Action: Cllr Bush, Cllr Thatcher
Cllr Johnstone requested info from Parish Clerk awaiting answers. ACTION: Clerk
Site meeting to be arranged between Cllrs Constantine, Caldwell and Johnstone as part of the new Pavilion Working Party. ACTION: Cllrs Constantine/Caldwell/Johnstone
Cllr Collinge reported back on response from MKC regarding the pothole issue – awaiting further response from MKC.
Booking breakdown requested from Parish Clerk. ACTION: Clerk
Mr Blight read from document (A COPY TO BE ATTACHED- has been requested)
Mr Blight from Shopco asked to clarify some misconceptions regarding the handover of the shop. Shopco is a provident society regulated by the FSA and registered at Company house not a limited company. There are no directors. When it was understood that the previous shop owners wished to leave in Aug 2014. Mr Northfield and Mr Blight highlighted that they wanted to leave Shopco due to time restrictions as they had been running with no support. It was discussed in Autumn Parish Council meeting and agreed unanimously that the PC would take over the shop but when it came to legally taking it over no-one agreed to take on. Shareholders have been consulted and Shopco has been officially dissolved and will be transferred to the PC. Shareholders will receive refund once the PC has agreed this. There are sufficient funds for the winding up fees and bank audit required. No bank account will be transferred. Shop or costs to a shop have been discussed in NP therefore a firm decision needs to be made.
Post Office closures due to Udi resigning – the Post Office has been approached to facilitate the new owners taking over, there has been some shop figure confusion which has delayed things. New shop owners have been invited to interview. There is no salary and remuneration is on transaction basis. Post Office is aware of feelings to retain the post office.
Planning have stated that they will not renew planning expires 2016.
PC to pull together a committee to run. Mr Northfield and Mr Blight officially give notice that their involvement will end in July 2015. Documentation current tenancy agreement, no land agreement as was rejected by Shopco solicitor. In 6 weeks Shopco will cease to exist with a formal dissolution of Shopco with 81% of the shareholders agreement. Communications regarding Shopco meetings were in SCAN, email and through shareholder doors.
Shopco will submit form to FSA and Shopco will wind up. Money in the account covers the electrician and accountant any remaining funds will be donated to charity as Shopco sees fit.
Tenancy agreement will be passed on for new agreement to be drawn up with simply change of details to maintain relationship with shop owners. Legal document to transfer the shop unit.
Shop unit and its maintenance will sit with the PC
- Building insurance required from 1st August – Clerk and Cllr Collinge to arrangeACTION: Clerk
- Contents is down to the tenant
- Utilities responsible for them being available as on PC land – payment is down to tenant.
- Rent due 1st month – suggest tenancy to run from August – July 2017
- Mr Blight and Mr Northfield offered to facilitate handover to ensure smooth transfer – supports not lead. Handover by end of July. ACTION: Mr Northfield, Mr Blight
- PC would take tenancy like pavilion. Any outstanding maintenance? – backend of last year added more ventilation to solve heating issues, electrics are regularly maintained.
- Highlighted that ramp and paving and entrance from road are all part of the ownership responsibility.
- Mr Northfield offered to finish the painting of the door and rails but suggested that the outside may require painting in the near future. ACTION: Mr Northfield
May 2016 the existing planning for the permanent shop site will run out. Suggestion has been that if cladded with a pitched roof the existing site MAY be approved by MKC. Cllr Geary highlighted that temporary permission always extended soon turns into permanent and with plans for the NP we should not feel pressured by this deadline to find a solution. Alarms and safes would be removed if Post office fails to be re-commissioned. Interview next week with PO.
Cllrs Thatcher, Johnstone and Collinge to take forward with the Clerk ACTION: Cllrs Thatcher/ Johnstone/ Collinge, Clerk ACTION: Shopco/Clerk
As requested by New Thursday Group – up top end of the park near the larger swings as no seating up that end. Mr Burton recommended contact with MK Leisure and playground as they can advise what to buy and where from. ACTION: Clerk
Litter Bins
Cllr Caldwell to action with either Kevin Wilson or Andy Hudson MK Head of Waste
Dog bins
Also need attention
Cllr Caldwell to talk to the council about all bins and need to liaise with MKC to get them to empty them on a weekly basis. ACTION: Cllr Caldwell
Request from the Air Ambulance for a clothing bank in the village was denied.
Mr Williams to supply a plan of sites and work with Cllr Thatcher and Cllr Bush (if willing) to pull together application form. ACTION: Mr Williams
12.1 Bank Account balance at 2nd June £26,884.93
12.2 Cheques for payment were as follows:
02/06/2015 | Martin Jeeves | Perry Lane Caretaker | £100.00 | 102312 |
02/06/2015 | N Beal | Perry Lane Cleaner | £42.00 | 102313 |
02/06/2015 | Brian West and Son | Village Hall Car Park | £306.00 | 102314 |
02/06/2015 | Anglian Water | Pavilion Utilities | £83.64 | 102315 |
02/06/2015 | Hannah Balazs | Clerk’s Salary | £193.89 | 102316 |
The new bank mandate will have all the new councillors on Cllrs I Collinge (Chair), A Thatcher, R Johnstone, A Hughes, R Constantine, E Caldwell and W Bush along with the new parish clerk Hannah Balazs.
12.3. Cllr Collinge requested that a separate meeting be held to discuss Annual Return and the 2015/6 budget. ACTION: Clerk
13.1. Ref – 15/01152/TCA 5 Village Close, Sherington, MK16 9PZ Notification of intention to remove 1x Goat Willow Tree in the garden – No adverse comments ACTION: Clerk
13.2. Ref – 15/01006/TCA : 8 High Street, Sherington, MK16 9NB Notification of intention to fell 1x Ash Tree (T1) – Objection based on Woodland Trust directive regarding Ash TreesACTION: Clerk
13.3. Ref – 15/01001/FUL : 2 Village Close, Sherington, MK16 9PZ Erection of new detached single garage, internal alterations and new window and door positions – NO adverse comments.ACTION: Clerk
MK North East Area Forum in North Crawley – Clerk to forward details ACTION: Clerk
Mr Kennedy and his team will be officially thanked for the Community action work. ACTION: Clerk Best Kept Village – applications in Feb/March – foster community sprit for next year to enter.
- When next Precept meeting? January/February
o Mr Cook raised that 25 – 30% of previous precepts were spent on the Pavilion - Mr Williams asked all Councillors at the NP meeting to follow up on his email regarding comments to Newport Pagnell on their NP ACTION: All Cllrs
- Mr Powell commented that he had an issue that is sitting with Cllr Thatcher for resolution
- Mr Kennedy raised the question regarding Capital bottom line discrepancy as highlighted at the AGM meeting. Still needs investigation. Clerk to speak to the previous Clerk for further clarity ACTION: Clerk
- Cllr Thatcher commented on the weeds that are pushing through the pathways around the village, especially noticed in Carters close. She will report this through the MKC portal and report back on response ACTION: Cllr Thatcher
17.1. Cllr A Hughes RE Shop – Rent from the tenant would this cover costs and make an income? Mr Northfield confirmed
17.2. Cllr I Collinge – Public footpath sign at Bancroft is now back
17.3. Cllr A Thatcher – Who is responsible for clearing weeds between curb stones and tarmac? MKC are responsible. The Green at Carters Close is also MKC.
18. DATE OF NEXT MEETING The next meeting will be held on Tuesday 7th July 2015 at the Village Hall commencing at 7.30 pm. There being no further business the meeting ended at 2130hrs