Minutes – January 2015

Minutes of the Meeting of Sherington Parish Council held on Tuesday 6th January 2015 at Sherington Village Hall, commencing at 7.30pm.

PRESENT: A Denman (Chair), I Collinge, J Ager, D Hyde and J Cook

ALSO ATTENDING: : Hannah Balazs (Clerk), Ward Cllr Keith McLean and forty members of the public.


Cllr Denman declared an interest in Planning application 14/02698/FUL 14 School Lane and Cllr Cook declared an interest in the Site Allocations Plan.

TThe minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday 2nd December 2014 were agreed as a true record and signed by the Chairman

Cllr Collinge is going to be chairman to this subcommittee of organising the Neighbourhood Plan; he stated that this is for the village to decide its future. Milton Keynes currently has 16 Neighbourhood Plans, Woburn Sands having completed theirs with 90% agreeing to the plan. Cllr Collinge advised this is Sherington’s chance to make a formal and official document regarding their village and its future. The process can be found on MKC’s website and it takes 80 weeks. There should be consultations at every stage and approval from MKC as they will review for law purposes and we may need advice from a 3rd Party, Cllr Collinge advised he would also like 90% of the village to agree, and advised that the Neighbourhood plan would cover the entire Parish. With regards to this plan we are already 20 weeks into the process. Oliver Powell and Keith Carey are already volunteers for this committee. Cllr Hyde asked what skills are required for this and Cllr Collinge advised still need to find out but recommends about 10 people to be in group. The kind of skills we would like are people person, someone who can analyse data, good at writing letters etc. Cllr Denman asked everyone to take a vote and Cllr Cook, Cllr Ager, Cllr Hyde, Cllr Collinge and Cllr Denman are all in agreement to this plan and Cllr Collinge will be chairman. Cllr Denman advised that he has an email from the head of the legal department at MKC and the village poll is not actually binding and MKC is not bound to the results of the poll. Cllr Denman advised that we need to trust Ward Cllr Peter Geary in that MKC will take the results of the parish poll into account.

Cllr Collinge said we needed to decide who is going to Newport Pagnell’s Neighbourhood plan meeting, Cllr Collinge advised he will be going and Cllr Denman advised he will try to attend depending when it is, Cllr Collinge is to advise Cllr Denman. ACTION: Cllr Collinge

Cllr Denman advised that nothing will be happening till late February/March. Cllr Collinge had asked for this to be added onto the agenda to discuss before the next round of consultations comes out, Cllr Collinge wants to know how the Parish Council will reply – e.g. we need to ask MKC for drop in session at the start of the consultation rather than the end. How will the Parish Council get views of the villagers – will there be another parish poll, a questionnaire etc. Cllr Collinge also asked what criteria the parish council are going to be looking for to decide on a final site for the site allocations. Cllr Denman advised that Fiona Robinson from MKC advised that a Neighbourhood Plan and Site Allocations Plan is separate. Ward Cllr Keith McLean advised Cllr Collinge is correct and the Village should have a Neighbourhood Plan for Sherington. If the current application goes through and they get permission to build the 36 houses then the site allocation plan doesn’t need to happen as the village will have filled their counter for the plans and the 20-40 houses will already be going ahead. Cllr Denman advised that we have to wait for development meeting at MKC. Cllr Collinge advised that the Neighbourhood plan will be beneficial for the village as it will bring everyone together. Cllr Collinge then asked what are cllrs going to do to measure the residents views will there be another poll, questionnaire etc. Cllr Denman asked Ward Cllr Keith McLean if the Parish Council will be given definite sites. Ward Cllr Keith McLean advised that stage one has now been completed and are entering stage two and he doesn’t think that anymore sites can be put forward between stages two and three as stage three is the final stage in site allocations. Cllr Collinge then asked the following – do you want one committee to deal with the neighbourhood plan and also be a steering committee on site allocations? Cllr Denman asked the other cllrs and Cllr Cook is unable to comment due to a declared interest, Cllr Hyde, Cllr Ager, Cllr Collinge and Cllr Denman agreed. ACTION: Cllr Collinge

Cllr Collinge wants to clarify and have it noted that he has been going through the council archives and advised that he has nearly finished going through all of the council archives and asked the other cllrs how should he store the information, it was agreed to save on a memory stick and to be given to Hannah Balazs the Clerk to Sherington Parish Council. Upstairs at the village hall there is storage, Cllr Collinge also advised that he has names and addresses from years ago and back dating to when records started. Cllr Cook then asked about the data protection with regards to the personal details as the Sherington Historical Society is also interested in past records. Cllr Denman and Ward Cllr McLean advised that the clerk Hannah Balazs will get in touch with Pam Loose at MKC to get some advice and to find out if this information can be passed to the Historical Society. ACTION: Cllr Collinge / Clerk


The only thing on the clerks report was the precept meeting and just to confirm that the meeting will still be going ahead on 22nd January 2015. ACTION: Clerk


MKC will be reviewing the planning application ref 14/02002/OUT following the Parish Poll on 5th February 15. 10 days prior there will be access to people’s views etc. Cllr Mclean cannot comment on the application 14/02002/OUT as he will probably be on the panel when this is being discussed. Cllr McLean advised that the Neighbourhood Plan is a very good idea and costs need to be considered in the precept meeting. Cllr McLean also advised that people also have concerns regarding busses, YMCA, Libraries, black bin bags as some are under threat. On a positive note Church Road has now been repaired. Cllr Denman advised that Bernard Haynes has advised they have left a depression outside his house and when rains it’s like a huge wave hitting his house and soaking everyone passing. Lastly surgeries held at the Olney Centre first Friday of every month and will be moving into the village on a Saturday morning although this is still waiting for day to be confirmed and as to which Saturday in the month.


Still waiting to hear anything regarding the village shop.


11.1 Bank Account balance at 2nd December £26,409.35

11.2 Cheques for payment were as follows:

06/01/2015 HMRC £14.00 102264
06/01/2015 Martin Jeeves £100.00 102265
06/01/2015 Hannah Balazs £337.20 102266
06/01/2015 N Beal £42.00 102267
06/01/2015 RA Denman £168.00 102268
06/01/2015 AH Contracts £189.00 102269
06/01/2015 Sherington Village Hall £13.00 102270
06/01/2015 Anglian Water £62.74 102271
06/01/2015 E.ON £355.92 102272
06/01/2015 Sherington Village Hall £35.75 102273
06/01/2015 AK Fire Ltd £60.00 102274


12.1. 14/02698/FUL 14 School Lane : – Erection of rear single storey extension and a loft conversion. This was discussed in full and after all Cllr’s looking at the plans they are not happy with the plans of a balcony overlooking the neighbours. Hannah Balazs the clerk will be in contact with Cllr Ager for a formal response to MKC. Two neighbours also have concerns, Cllr Hyde said the balcony is unnecessary and very intruding on the neighbours and Cllr’s Collinge, Ager and Cook were ok with plans but not the balcony. ACTION: Cllr Ager/ Clerk

12.2. 14/02748/TPO The Old Rectory 16 School Lane : – Tree preservation order consent carry out the following tree work – Ash tree (T8) remove heavy lower lateral branches to crown lift, 30% reduction of lower canopy to sides to shape tree and remove deadwood. Willow Tree (T9) create habitat hole at 3 meters and fell tree above hole and leave as monolith. Willow tree (T10) clear fell. Oak Tree (T11) Crown lift one branch over road 8 meters, remove deadwood. Sycamore tree (T12) crown Lift one branch over road to 8 meters. This was discussed and we have received an email from Robin Storey who has concerns as this is a conservation area so can’t see why the application has been requested. The parish council agreed to keep tree close to the wall due to the busses travelling past and it could be a hazard hanging over the road.



Cllr Ager advised there still hasn’t been a meeting and the chairman has resigned, Cllr Collinge advised that because there hasn’t been a meeting for 6 months then the committee has effectively dissolved in any case. Cllr Ager is going to see what has happened. ACTION: Cllr J Ager


Cllr Collinge attended the MK East Area Forum and had circulated notes to the other Councillors. Topics at the meeting had included plans to roll out fibre broadband to some of the other rural areas, drainage problems (including School Lane and Church Road in Sherington – now fixed) and beta testing of a new smart phone app for reporting potholes.




16.1 The public asked regarding the two resignations of Mel Northfield and Sally Cook and if there will be any co-opt elections taking place. Cllr Denman advised that due to scheduled elections in four months time the council have decided to not co-opt at the moment and they have all agreed. Someone else asked if there is a reason they resigned – Cllr Denman advised Mel Northfield was happy however over the past few weeks a lot has happened and he has chosen to resign. With regards to Sally Cook three cllrs and members of the public have approached Cllr Denman asking why she is on the council and not declaring interests when she should be. Anyone with a vested interest can they vote? Cllr Cook and Cllr Denman both said no. Why have the council decided not to co-opt? Cllr Collinge advised that they would have to advertise positions and there is only three council meetings left before an election in May. A member of the public then said it seems a waste of time and unfair. Cllr Denman advised they can co-opt however there is no mandate and at the first meeting they are unable to talk and can’t vote. Cllr Denman then asked the public to please put yourselves forward for election in May. ACTION: Clerk

16.2 Corn Close has been reported to be very dangerous with all the wet leaves and asked if this can be cleared – the clerk will advise MKC. ACTION: Clerk

16.3 Once again the tree’s at the mound have been reported as blocking the view at the mound – the cllrs did advise that we have already been in touch with MKC however the trees are not dangerous to the public so will not be touched – the clerk will email again to see if they will change their minds. ACTION: Clerk

16.4 A shareholder from the village shop Shopco has asked what is happening with regards to the village shop, Cllr Denman advised this still stands with Shopco and they are due to be having an extraordinary meeting, however the legal side on the Parish Council has been checked and is all in order.


No further comments from the Cllr’s

18. DATE OF NEXT MEETING The next meeting will be held on Tuesday 3rd February 2015 at the Village Hall commencing at 7.30 pm. There being no further business the meeting ended at 10.15 pm

Useful Contact Information

Parish Council Clerk (Interim):

  • Jacqueline Galloway
  • 07494 760791


  • Peter Palmer
  • 07710 242521

Other council members

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