Minutes of NPG meeting held on the 24th, NOV. 2015, at the Pavilion, Sherington
Present – W Bush Chairman, S Kennedy, O Powell, D Clarke, K Carey, A Thatcher, D Williams, E Caudwell, S Slater
Ben Smith, Colin Davis
- Apologies from R Constantine, A Hughes
- Declarations of interest. None that are not already declared.
- Matters Arising from last meeting. All to be discussed in main body of the meeting
- DW agreed to record the minutes.
- Minutes of the meeting held on the 27th Oct, 15 were all agreed.
- WB and KC attended a Meeting with Mr Bob Wilson of MK Council’s Planning Dept. to discuss the draft policies and objectives of the NPG before it is put out to the village for consultation.
WB and KC summarised as follows –
Build in flexibility to the document.
We are encouraged to be less definitive in the policies to allow flexibility.
The Article 4 direction is important and this is realized by the Planners, it can be considered in the same context as green belt land.
It is best to have a limited number of CLEAR policies.
MK will resist any form of development in the Article 4 areas.
They like the idea of pledges which would sweep up all the other (aspirational) areas outside the remit of the PC.
With regard to the possible amendments to the current village envelope, the planners say that the PC are in the driving seat on this, they will treat each case on merit. The finalised draft Policy document was then presented for discussion.
All was generally agreed except policies H1 and H2 concerning housing development. It was decided to urgently set up an extraordinary meeting of the whole NP group with Bob Wilson to discuss and clarify MK’s position. Action W Bush
- Communication
The Ward Councillors are conducting a Meeting at St Laud’s Church on Dec 8th to present and discuss the greater MK plan and the possible effect on Sherington. It was suggested that the NPG could use this forum to display the draft policies at the back of the church at this meeting as there are likely to be a large number of villagers present. This was agreed.
Action – AT to contact the Ward Councillors to ask their permission.
AT explained the methods by which the draft policies would be made available to the village by the internet and flyers through the door, communication. SK to assist in this task.
Action – AT and SK with input from all.
- Task force – It was agreed that the format for the NPG policies document would be simple short statements , as already discussed, with appendices and schedules attached to each to provide detail, context and history related to the survey etc.
Plain English, the mantra being “keep it simple”
Action – coordinate and assemble info. Colin, Keith and Oliver
Package it up and presentation. Anita T
Produce a user friendly Project Plan document. Stephen K
It was suggested that we may employ a professional document writer for the final plan.
Action – AT to seek out and determine cost estimate.
D Williams 25/11/15